1. be/get confused (被/变得困惑)
• 意义: 表示人或事物被困惑,不明白或不知道该怎么做。
• 例句:
– I’m confused about what to do next.
– The instructions were so complicated that I got
2. Confused about (对…感到困惑)
• 意义: 表示对某个主题或问题感到迷惑不解。
• 例句:
– She is confused about her career path.
– He seems confused about the concept of democracy.
3. Confused with (与…混淆)
• 意义: 表示将两个或多个事物混淆或混合在一起。
• 例句:
– Don’t confuse salt with sugar.
– I always get confused with these two similar-
looking words.
4. Confused expression (困惑的表情)
• 意义: 表示人的面部表情显示出困惑或疑惑。
• 例句:
– She had a confused expression on her face when she
heard the news.
– The professor’s explanation left the students with
confused expressions.
5. Confused state of mind (困惑的心境)
• 意义: 表示一个人的思维状态处于困惑或混乱的状态。
• 例句:
– After the accident, he was in a confused state of
mind and couldn’t remember what happened.
– The sudden change in plans left me in a confused
state of mind.
6. Confused signals (矛盾的信号)
• 意义: 表示收到或传递出矛盾或不一致的信息或信号。
• 例句:
– I’m getting confused signals from him. One minute
he acts interested, and the next minute he ignores
– The conflicting instructions from my boss are
giving me confused signals on what to do.
7. Confused emotions (复杂的情感)
• 意义: 表示情感上经历着复杂,矛盾或混乱的感受。
• 例句:
– After the breakup, she had a mix of sad, angry, and
confused emotions.
– His actions and words left me with confused
emotions and I couldn’t figure out how I felt
about him.
8. Confused mind (混乱的思维)
• 意义: 表示一个人的思维过程或思考方式处于混乱或不明朗的
• 例句:
– I couldn’t make a decision because I had a
confused mind.
– The stressful situation left him with a confused
mind and he couldn’t focus on anything.
9. Confused reactions (困惑的反应)
• 意义: 表示对某个情况或事件产生困惑或不确定的反应。
• 例句:
– His sudden resignation caused confused reactions
among his colleagues.
– The unexpected news elicited a range of confused
reactions from the audience.
10. Confused memories (混乱的记忆)
• 意义: 表示对过去事情或经历模糊或混乱的记忆状态。
• 例句:
– The trauma caused her to have confused memories of
the incident.
– As time passed, the details of the event became a
jumble of confused memories.
11. Confused identity (迷失的身份)
• 意义: 表示对个人的身份,价值观或定位感到困惑或不确定。
• 例句:
– After the divorce, she went through a period of
confused identity.
– The character in the novel struggles with a
confused identity and is unsure of who they truly
12. Confused reality (混乱的现实)
• 意义: 表示对现实情况或事实的认知处于混乱或无法把握的状
• 例句:
– The sudden turn of events left him in a confused
– The conflicting reports about the accident created
a sense of confused reality for the public.