



1 .idiom: An English idiom is a group of words with a special meaning different from

the meaning of its constituent words. Idioms are usually semantically opaque, i.e.

metaphorical rather than literal.

2. Blending is a process of word-formation in which a new word is formed by

combing and sounds of two words, one of which is not in its full form or both of

which are not in their full forms: e.g. newscast (news + broadcast), brunch (breakfast

+ lunch).

3. complementaries (互补反义词):complementaries or contradictories represent a

type of binary semantic opposition. E.g. alive and dead, single and married, present

and absent.

4. Polysemy (一次多义): A term used in semantic analysis to refer to a lexical item

which has a range of different meanings. E.g. the word fair has various meanings :

“(of attitude, behaviour) just and honest”; “(of result) average, quite good”; “(of

the weather)clear and sunny”; “(of the mount)satisfactory, abundant”; “(of the

skin)pale; light in color”; “clean, clear; with out blemish”

tual meaning(概念意义): Conceptual meaning (also known as denotative

meaning) is the meaning given in the dictionary and forms the core of word meaning.

Being constant and relatively stable, conceptual meaning forms the basis for

communication as the same word has the same conceptual meaning to all the speakers

of the same language. Take 'The sun rises in the east' for example. The word sun here

means 'a heavenly body which gives off light, heat, and energy', a concept which is

understood by anyone who speaks English.

tion(派生法): Derivation or affixation is generally defined as a

word-formation process by which new words are created by adding a prefix, or suffix,

or both, to the base. (举例)

ical creation

a way to coin word by following an existing word already established

1) Single Word; telethon/talkathon-marathon//starquake/youthquake-earthquake


2) Phrase; sound/air/language/visional/cultural pollution-environment pollution swim/stay/stand

in-sit in//botel/airtel/-motel


1. nonce word: (为特定场合的需要)而临时造的词: A nonce word is a word used

only "for the nonce"—to meet a need that is not expected to recur. Quark, for example,

was a nonce word in English appearing only in James Joyce's Finnegans Wake until

Murray Gell-Mann quoted it to name a new class of subatomic particle. The use of the

term nonce word in this way was apparently the work of James Murray, the influential

editor of the Oxford English Dictionary.

" Runcible spoon", from Edward Lear, which later came to describe a curved fork

with a cutting edge.

2. grammatical/function words

Function words (or grammatical words or synsemantic words or structure-class words)

are words that have little lexical meaning or have ambiguous meaning, but instead

serve to express grammatical relationships with other words within a sentence, or

specify the attitude or mood of the speaker. They signal the structural relationships

that words have to one another and are the glue that holds sentences together. Thus,

they serve as important elements to the structures of sentences.

e.g. articles, pronouns, conjunction

3. sense and reference

4. 造成歧义的原因(structural/lexical/ambiguity及其例子)

5. morpheme/stem/root

Morpheme —— A morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit of a language. (The

smallest functional unit in the composition of words.)

Root —— A root is the basic form of a word, which cannot be further analyzed

without total loss of identity. (What remains of a word after the removal of all

affixes.) .e.g. “internationalists” removing inter-, -al-, -ist, -s, leaves the

root nation.

Stem —— a form to which affixes of any kind can be added. E.g.

“internationalists”, nation is a root and a stem as well.

a stem may consist of a single root or two roots and a root plus a affix.

a stem can be a root or a form bigger than a root.

6. motivation 什么?有几种?

Motivation refers to the connection betwween word-symbol and its sense.

Phonetic Motivation (拟声词) – the words whose sounds suggest their meaning.

(Indicate the relationship between sound and meaning). Knowing the sounds of the

words means understanding the meaning. These words were created by imitating the

natural sounds or noises. For example, bang, ping-pang, crow by cocks, etc.

Morphological Motivation ——Compounds and derived words are

multi-morphemic words and the meaning of many words are the sum total of the

morphemes combined. (Indicate the relationship between word meaning and each

morpheme meaning). For instance, airmail means to “mail by air”, miniskirt is

“a small skirt”。

Semantic Motivation——refers to the mental associations suggested by the

conceptual meaning of a word. It explained the connection between literal sense and

figurative sense of a word). E.g. When we say the mouth of a river, we associate the

opening part of the river with the mouth of a human being or an animal.

7. seven types of meaning

(1) Conceptual meaning ------Logical, cognitive, or denotation content 逻辑的,认知


conceptual meaning: the central part of meaning, which contains logical,cognitive,or

denotative content.

Associative meaning:联想意义

(2) Connotative meaning------what is communicated by virtue of what language refers


(3) Social meaning-----what is communicated of the social circumstances of language





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