


羽毛球规则(Badminton rules)

Rules of scoring

The Badminton World Federation officially decided to play the

twenty-one point rule at its annual convention in Tokyo, Japan,

in May 2006.

The implementation of each-serve-a-point rule 21 points, all

individual each shall be played up to 21 points, the maximum

of 30 points. Each badminton game takes three games, two wins,

the first to 21 points to win the authorities competition. If

the score is 20 to 20, the winning team needs to score more than

2 points to win. Until the score is 29 to 29, the winner of the

first thirtieth points wins. The first game winner in the next

game to serve.

Two, station rules

Badminton rules: when the player score is 0 or even when both

players are on their right service court when the serving side

or receiving; score is odd, both players are on their left

service served or received.

Badminton Doubles rules: the game, when the score is 0 or even,

the ball from the right service to each other on site right

service courts; when the score is odd, the ball from the left

service to the other site of the left diagonal receiving area.

In the game, when a player scoring, the player must alternate

service in the right or left of the tee, and the receiver

member's position unchanged. In other cases, players should

stand in their respective service areas in the last round, in

order to ensure that the server alternates.

In doubles, each side has only one service right. The server

failure not only loss of service will also be lost 1 points,

if the right to serve a score is odd, it must be located in the

left court players, if the right to serve on one side of the

score is even, it must be located in the right tee ball player.

Doubles only receiving team to serve, if the receiving peer or

the ball touches the "illegal, sentenced to serve party scores,

when the service is returned after the ball from any two people

hit back, not dead until the batter, so round.

In doubles, when serving, the serving and receiving players

must stand in the service area and serve area, serving and

receiving the service, and their companions can be unrestricted,

but they must not interfere with each other. The order of

service and receiving of the players is incorrect, the score

has been effective, and the position or order has been


Three, the rules of the game rest

Each badminton match is composed of three games and two wins.

When either side gets 11 points in the game, the game will last

for 1 minutes; the interval between the two games will be 2


Four, common violations in the game

Through the violation of the rule - serve, in the moment the





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