



篇一 : Theater与Drama的不同

“Education is not acommodity. Education is a social relationship.”

- Margolis

Why drama? Let usbegin with the first question. Theatre artists

have long dealt withasking themselves what the value is in defending and

keepingtheatre programs alive in the face of rising costs - and in

manycases a seeming loss of interest from the general public.

Don‟tbelieve me? Which would you rather do tonight, go see that

newaction movie, or go out to a play? Most people have no

problemdropping $10 in cash on an evening movie, but mention $5

theatretickets and they‟re immediately turned off. But live theatre in

anysense of the word costs money, and play productions are

community theatre survives on private donations and

money fromestablishments like the National Endowment for the Arts.

Ticketsales do virtually nothing to cover the expense of aproduction.

So whydrama in the classroom? Mention theatre, music, or dance

to aschool official and likely the first thought across their mind

issomehow related to budget cuts. Drama is, bottom line, seen as afluff

subject by many people. What on earth could students possiblylearn from

drama that is more beneficial than traditionalmainstream course work?

The useof theatre in the classroom both to teach subjects and to

developpersonal skills in students is well documented, but

seldomobserved. The broad term „drama‟ covers a wide area of

techniquesincorporating physical movement, vocal action, and

mentalconcentration which traditional classrooms have lacked in

quantityand combination in the past. Many teachers are already

familiarwith the uses of skits - basically improvisations by students -

toteach and reinforce material. Many teachers also find that studentshave

a high interest in performing those skits in the students

will often show interest in these types ofactivities, teachers without a

background in drama will often havea difficult time knowing how to

approach the idea of teaching themmore in the classroom. In the same

manner, a student who needsextra help or a new angle at learning a

subject is oftenself-motivated to find a way to learn the material;

howeverteachers lack the resources to offer the student.

In thebook Drama ofColor Saldaña discusses a study done by

researchers Gourgey,Bosseau, and Delgado with lower socioeconomic

Black andHispanic students in elementary school. After a six

monthimprovisational drama project, gains were observed in

vocabularyand reading comprehension. Survey results also suggested

thatstudents also showed improvement in attitude areas including





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