Online shopping logistics
In recent years,people are creasy aboutshopping like it because
the price online is much cheaper andthere are many more options than in the
store,they do not need to go too farand also they can easily check out by clicking
the mouse for few times insteadof standing in line for a long most
important issue is the logisticswill deliver the item to the shopper’s hand
directly,which save people lot oftime and trouble.
Along with the popular of online shopping,the logistics is hotter and
now there are hundreds of logisticcompanies in China.
They offer many logistic services:
They make delivery.
This is the main service,the logistic agent receives thetarget package from the
online seller and after few procedures,and the packagewill be delivered to the
logistic companies can deliver nationwide.
They pick up personal package.
If people want to return the item to the seller,they donot need to go to the
logistic store,they can simply make a phone call,and alogistic agent will come to
their house and pick up the package and deliver tothe destination.
They offer freight collectservice.
This means when there is an agreement between the buyer andthe seller of
this provide the delivery service first,andcollect the freight fee when
they make the delivery.
Online tracking service.
As long as you have the tracking number from a specifiedlogistic company,you
can track the package at any time ’s quite convenience,and most logistic
companies offer this service.
Other services:
The logistic companies also provide other services likekeep valuable
goods,store customer’s items,one day delivery,internationaldelivery etc…
The services logistic companies providemake the world more convenience,and