摩登家庭 -第2季第8集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语-打印-word

摩登家庭 -第2季第8集-字幕-对白-中英文对照-看美剧学英语-打印-word


Good afternoon. Thanks for coming. 下午好 感谢各位大驾光临

It's so nice to spend my birthday 能在大家的笑容映衬下度过生日

surrounded by so many smiling faces. 我实在倍感荣幸

I was almost too depressed to come today. 其实今天我本来郁闷得不想来了

I realized I let my childhood slip away. 因为我刚意识到我虚度了我的童年

I realized I let my childhood slip away. 30分钟前

Come on, everybody! 各位快行动起来

We're gonna be late for Manny's birthday! 曼尼的生日会要迟到了

Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! 快走 快走 快走 快走 快走

I'm ready, mom. 我这就能走 妈

- You sure, honey? - Yep. -宝贝 你确定吗 -没错

Then take a quick peek at your feet. 那你看下自己的脚

Oh! Come on, Luke! 卢克 你不给力啊

Are you gonna walk faster, 您老是要亲自走快点儿呢

or should I get Lily's stroller out of the car and push you? 还是让我去车里拿莉


Would you relax? 你急什么啊

The restaurant's like five minutes away from here 那餐馆离这儿也就5分钟

Ohh, free lotion. 免费润肤露耶

Stop Stopping to smell the roses. Manny's present. 别走走停停的了 咱还没给


Ohh, you are such a Pritchett. 你可真是典型的普里契特家的人

What's that supposed to mean? 你这是啥意思

Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! Let's go! 快走 快走 快走 快走 快走

I'm looking for the keys! 我在找钥匙

Of course you are. 你总是有理

I like being on time. 我这人一向准时

It's easy 'cause I'm organized. 这不难做到 因为我有条不紊

Not my wife. 我老婆则不然

You'd think growing up in a place 按理说在满是行刑队

You'd think growing up in a place 行刑队 拉丁美洲国家内右派组织,专事谋杀左


full of death squads and drunken uncles, 和老酒鬼的国度中长大

she'd have learned to move a little bit faster. 她做事本该利索点才对

Sorry, sorry. 对不起 对不起

I couldn't find my earring. 我刚刚找耳环去了

So, what were we talking about, huh? 我们说到哪儿啦

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Honey, come on. We're gonna be late. Let's go. 亲爱的 快点儿 我们要迟到了


Yeah, yeah, just filling out the application to family camp. 好好好 等我填完家


You don't win the "dirty dancing" competition 你总不能上次赢了热舞比赛

and not go back to defend your crown. 而这次却不去捍卫你的冠军宝座吧

That's right. Come on, honey. 你说得对 快走吧 亲爱的

But shoot for 不过想要争冠军

you better kill him. 除非把冠军干掉

Every summer, we spend a week at family camp. 每年夏天 我们都去参加一周


It's just like regular camp, but with the family! 和普通夏令营没差别 不过要全家


I don't think that needed any clarification, Phil. 这还用解释吗 菲尔

Somebody's still a little touchy 某人去年输了彩弹大战

- about losing last year's color war. - Not. -到现在还耿耿于怀呢 -才没有

She was on 她是蓝队

...or as I like to refer to them as team blue-zer. ...我管他们叫"傻队"[谐音"loser"


- And I was on white. - That's good. -我是白队 -别说了

- And if you ain' - No. -不是白队... -不要说了

...you ain't right! ...只能败北

Phil! Have you learned nothing? 菲尔 你怎么还不长记性呢

Phil! Have you learned nothing? 去年夏天

My good man. 谢啦 伙计

My good man. 不是白队 只能败北[你不是白人 就什么也不是]

Okay, come on, everybody. Front door! Now! 好了 同志们快点 给我在前门集

Claire, relax. It takes 15 minutes to get there. 克莱尔 别着急 也就十五分钟路程

It takes 20 minutes. 要二十分钟

If we take your route. 那是你的路线

Well, my way is the most direct. 我的路线最直接了

Directly into traffic. 我看是直接堵车了

Uh, your way is he suckiest way. 你的路线直接就是 最烂的那条

Want to make this interesting? 想来点有趣的吗

Yeah, I don't think that's possible. 我不认为这件事能有趣

We take two cars and see who gets there first. 咱们一人一辆车 比谁先开到

Fine. Fine. Let's do that. It's on. 好啊 比就比 现在就比

Yeah! It is on! 太好了 比赛开始

I'll take the girls. 姑娘们跟我走

Luke, your dad and I are splitting up. 卢克 你爸和我要分开

- Why? - Another one of their stupid arguments. -为啥啊 -又因为傻事吵架了

Okay. I'll go with dad. 那好 我要跟老爸

No, no. Buddy. Come with me. 不不 伙计 跟我走

Prepare to be -- my shoes. 咱们这就 没穿鞋

Come on, Phil! 菲尔 你不给力啊

How do I look? 我看起来咋样

Like Al Capone. 像艾尔·卡彭[美国史上著名黑帮老大]

Thanks! 谢啦

Happy birthday, kid. 生日快乐 孩子

A BB gun?! 气枪吗

Enjoy. That's the best gift my dad ever gave me. 好好玩吧 这是当年我爸给我最


My keys are nowhere! 我死活找不到钥匙

We're gonna have to go in your car. 我们只能开你的车了

It's in the shop. 我的车还在店里

Where was the last place you put your keys? 你还记得最后一次把钥匙放哪了吗

Oh, so now it's my fault? 这又成我的错啦

Where was the last place you put my keys? 应该是你最后一次把钥匙放哪儿了

In your hand when I bought you the car. 买车的时候放你手里了

Hey, Jay, on the box, 杰 包装盒上写着

it says "Ages 16 and up." "适合十六岁及以上儿童"

Is this an appropriate gift for me? 这礼物适合我吗

Are you kidding me? You were born 16. 你开啥玩笑 你生来就十六岁了

You know, we wouldn't be having this problem 你知道吗 要是你没弄丢备用钥

if you hadn't lost the spare set. 咱们现在也不至于这样

I didn't lose them. 我才没弄丢呢

Somebody came in here and stole them! 是有人进来偷走的

And left the car. 光偷钥匙不偷车吗

What do you mean, I was born 16? 什么叫我生来就十六岁

I'm just saying, you were never much of a kid. 我只是说 你一直不像个小孩儿

And that's a good thing, 'cause I never liked kids. 这是好事呀 因为我从来不喜


You know, you ought to try the fridge. 你不如去冰箱那儿找找

'Cause that's where we found your cellphone. 上次你就把手机丢那儿了

It was only one time, Jay. 就那么一次 杰

And you know I always eat after I talk to my mother. 你知道我一跟我妈打完电

话 就想吃东西

Happy birthday, old man. 生日快乐 老伙计

Well, I've forgotten a lot of things in my life. 我的人生已经错过了太多精彩

But what Jay said hit me hard. 杰的一番话简直是醍醐灌顶

I'd forgotten to have a childhood. 我错过了我的童年

Dad, that was a stop sign. 老爹 你刚刚闯红灯了

I'll stop twice on the way back. 回家的时候我停两次就行了

Oh, good, it'll give us a chance to pick up that hubcap 很好 我们终于有机会拿

you lost cutting through the temple parking lot. 你横穿教堂停车场时落下的轮


llow! 黄灯 黄灯

Okay. 好吧

Are you seeing this? 看到没

We are making every light, and we don't even have to speed. 一路绿灯 咱都


The system works. 还是我的路给力

Mom? 老妈

I know, I went a little fast back there, 我知道 我刚刚是有点超速了

but, really, 40 is the same as 35. 不过说真的 四十跟三十五差不多

You say that a lot. 你老这么说[讽刺年龄]

I don't think you two appreciate what's at stake here. 我觉得你们还不知道现在


- Our lives? - You know I love your mother, -我们的命吗 -你们知道我爱你们妈

but I think you also know a certain look she gets 但你们也知道她那副嘴脸

That says, "Just listen to me, I'm always right". 那种"听我的 我永远是对的"的表

You mean her face? 你是说她盛气凌人的表情吗

N-now we're getting this. 现在你懂我的意思了吧

If we're right this one time, 如果我们这次赢了

then we never have to be right again. 以后就不用再听她指使了

When she says, "That balloon can't carry a person, Phil", 当她说"那气球载不了

人的 菲尔"

I say, "Manny's birthday". 我就说"记得曼尼生日那次吗"

"Take your jacket, Alex. I think it's gonna rain". "穿上夹克 艾丽克斯 会下雨的"

"Manny's birthday". "记得曼尼生日那次吗"

Don't look at me. Look at the road. 别看我 看路

"Manny's birthday". "记得曼尼生日那次吗"

No, dad! Look at the road! There's a truck! 不 老爸 看路 前面有卡车

Sweet baby! Assholes! 没长眼睛吗 混蛋

We are so kicking your dad's butt! 你老爸这次输惨了

We are the best ones! 我们是最棒的

How come you and dad are breaking up? 你和爸爸为什么要分手呀

What? 什么

If it's just a little disagreement, 如果只是一点意见不合的话

can't you just work it out? 你们就不能好好解决吗

Oh, sweetie, you thought 亲爱的 你以为

that when I said we were 我说我们要分开的时候是指

No. No, your dad and I are fine, honey. 不 不 我跟你爸好着呢 宝贝儿

We just were gonna take separate cars 我们只是要一人开一辆车

to see who could get to the restaurant faster. 看谁先到餐厅

Oh, that's a relief. 那我就放心了

Ohh, you must have been feeling awful back there. 你刚才肯定难受死了

I am so sorry. 我真抱歉

It's okay. 没事的

Why did you say you'd go with your dad? 你刚才为什么说你要跟你爸走

Great. Mom gets to be right again. 太好了 这下老妈又要赢了

Hey, bad attitudes lose races. 这种态度可是会输掉的

No, swerving into a curb and popping your tire loses races. 不对 冲向路边然


We should call the cops and say mom's car was stolen. 我们应该报警说妈妈的


They arrest her, we win. 然后警察就会去抓她 我们就赢了

No, they trace those calls. 不行 警察会追踪报警电话的

But this is great. Thinking like a team! 但是精神可嘉 开始有团队思考意识了

Good practice for family camp. 这对我们的家庭露营会有帮助的

We're, uh, we're doing that again? 我们 我们今年还要去吗

And this year I predict total white domination. 而且今年我有预感 白队会大获


Can't go back there. 受不了那鬼地方了

I heard this summer there's gonna be a hoedown. 我听说今年夏天要跳风土舞

I can't. 我受不了了

Haley! 海莉

I can't! I can't. 我受不了了 受不了了

Eight minutes talking to the lady at the stationery store 跟文具店的女售货员聊


and still no present. 结果还是什么礼物都没买到

You know, I think a new friend is like a present. 我认为新朋友就像礼物一样

Yeah, I read that card, too. 是啊是啊 我也读过那张卡片了

Can we please just buy the next thing we see 我们能不能买我们看好的下一个东


and get out of here? 然后赶紧走啊

You know, why can't you enjoy this? 你为什么就不能享受一下这个过程呢

It's a beautiful afternoon, Lily's with a sitter. 今天下午天气那么好 莉莉托给保姆

The day is ours! 这是咱俩的二人世界

Helen! 海伦

Helen! 海伦

Helen! 海伦

Helen!! 海伦

Oh, look at that. Another friend. Off we go. Very busy. 看呀 又交了个朋友 走

吧 忙着呢

No. Stop. 不要 站住

You are too tied to your rigid schedules. 你太受你那些死板的计划束缚了

You're missing life. 你错过了真正的生活

It took all of two seconds to help this nice man. 你只要花两秒钟就可以帮到这


W-w-wait. Wait. There's more. 等 等等 我还没说完呢

Two seconds. Yeah. 两秒钟而已 还要说什么

Tell her I'm so sorry, I've always loved her. 告诉她我很抱歉 我一直爱着她

He says he's so sorry! 他说他很抱歉

And that he's always loved you! 他一直爱着你

Please come up and talk to me. 请上来跟我谈谈

Please come up and talk to him! 请上来跟他谈谈

His life would be empty without you! 你走了 他的生活将暗淡无光

I'm sorry I'm going off script. It just felt right. 对不起我自由发挥了一下 有感而

Oh. Good. Oh. 没事

- T-too late. - No, you know what? -太迟了 -不 这样好了

Give him your cellphone. 把你的手机给他

I'll chase Helen down and give her my phone. 我去追海伦 然后把我的手机给她

They can hash it out. 这样他们就可以好好谈谈了

Are you -- are you serious? 你是 你是认真的吗

Yes, I'm serious as a heart attack. 没错 珍珠都没这么真

You always do this. 你老是这样

Now we're gonna be late to our own party. 我们连自己办的派对都要迟到了

Stop shouting. 别叫了

Well, technically, I wasn't really -- 严格来讲 我没有在

Uh, yes, hello. Is Seymour Butts there? 你好 喂 西摩·巴茨在吗[音同"多点屁屁"]

I'd never made a 我从来没打过恶作剧电话

never mixed different sodas together 没试过把好几种汽水兑到一起

to see what they'd taste like. 尝尝是什么味

So I knew I had to make the most 所以我知道我必须

of what little childhood I had left. 充分利用一下我所剩不多的童年了

Not "Lutts". I'm looking for Butts. 不是拉茨 我要找巴茨[与"屁屁"同音]

Yes, I'm trying to get ahold of Butts. 是的 我要找巴茨[与"屁屁"同音]

Very funny. I don't have time for this foolishness. 很好笑 我没时间跟你犯傻

Maybe if you had a system for where you leave things. 也许你放东西应该更有


I have a system. 我当然有条理

I put down things, then I remember where I put them. 我把东西放下 然后再记


And that would be preferable 比如说 你要是能把钥匙

to, say, putting them on the key holder 放在这个长得像把大钥匙的

which just happens to look like a large key. 钥匙架上就更好了

Stop screaming! 别再叫唤了

What are you doing? 你在干吗

Turning back the clock. 找回逝去的童年

Turning back the clock. 翻译:pettyyang 小蛮腰 小含含 marktaotao

Turning back the clock. ■

Turning back the clock. 时间轴:向日葵的星 校对:crossfirezf 小蛮腰

Turning back the clock. ■

Turning back the clock. 后期:瓜瓜 总监:小蛮腰

Turning back the clock. ■

Disgusting! 真恶心

Don't judge me. You've never been married. 不许说我 你又没结过婚

This never happened. 这件事从没发生过

I don't know what you're talking about. 我不知道你在说什么

That's a good man. 好样的 老伙计

Boy. I'm a boy! 男孩 我是个男孩

You all right? You okay? 你还好吧 没事吧

W-why do you ask? 还用问吗

Oh. Okay. Well, I think this is for you. 好的 我想这是找你的

I-I don't know what to say to him. 我 我不知道该跟他说什么

Just open your heart and listen, Helen. 你就敞开心扉然后听他说就好了 海伦

Okay. 好吧

Hello? 喂

I dropped your phone. 我把你的电话弄掉了

I was here when it happened. 我就在这眼睁睁地看着呢

Okay. It's all right. We' 好了 没事的 我们就

I can't. I-I just can't. 我做不到 我做不到

Helen, you have to try. I once almost let my own fears 海伦 你要勇于尝试 我


stop me from embarking on a relationship, 差点被恐惧占据而放弃了一段感情

and I would have lost the love of my life. 从而错过了我生命中的挚爱

- Helen! - Donald! -海伦 -唐纳德

- - Hang on. Hang on, Helen! -小卡 -坚持住 抓紧了 海伦

I'll have you down in a jiffy! 我马上抱你下去

Hold on tight! Ow. Nails. 抓紧 别掐我

- Helen. Nails. Nails. Nails. - Helen. -海伦 别掐 别掐 -海伦

Helen, please just give me a chance. 海伦 求你再给我一次机会

Give him a chance!! 给他一个机会吧

She's right here. 她现在就在这儿

Cam, come on. We're running out of time. 小卡快点 我们没时间了

We're running out of time? Sensitive. 谁说没时间了 瞎操心

Go to him. 接受他吧

Ohh, I-it's nice that you care so much about us. 真感谢你那么关心我们

Without love we're nothing. 没有爱的话我们什么都不是

But what about his wife? 但是他的老婆怎么办

It was a pleasure to meeting you both. 很高兴认识你俩

I get it, Luke. You think he's the fun one. 我知道了 卢克 你觉得他比较有趣

That's why you'd go with him. 所以你才跟他一起

What? 什么

You think your dad is more fun than I am. 你觉得你老爸比我有意思

- Definitely. - "Definitely." -当然 -"当然"

Dad's, like, crazy-fun. 老爸超级有趣

- But you're nice. - I'm nice?! -但是你很好人 -我就是个好人吗

Well, not now. 现在不是了

Tell him. 跟他说吧

- Tell me what? - Nothing. -跟我说什么 -没事

Hey, what do we call daddy's car, girls? 姑娘们 我们管老爸的车叫什么

The cone of trust. 信任之蛋卷筒

The cone of trust. Exactamundo. 信任之蛋卷筒 没错

Where you can speak your mind with no judgment. 在这儿你们可以畅所欲言而


So, what is it? Boys? 那么 是什么 关于男生吗

Your bodies are changing? Eggs? 你们的身体变化吗 还是排卵

No! No. 不 不

We were just thinking 我们只是想也许

...if -- if you're open to it -- 如果你能接受的话

Dad, we love you, but we do not want 爸 我们爱你 但是我们今年真的

to go to family camp this year. 不想去家庭夏令营了

- Dad? Are you upset? - Nope. -爸 你生气了吗 -没有

Then what was that sniff? 那这抽泣声是怎么回事

Sniff? What sniff? I'm -- I'm, uh -- 抽泣 什么抽泣 我 我

I'm actually relieved. 我其实是如释重负

The day that I've been dreading, 我一直在担心有一天

uh, the day when you two finally outgrow me, 你们最终长大了 不再需要我

has finally arrived, 这天终于到来了

and I'm handling it really well. 而我淡定得很

- Dad, are you crying? - Nope. -老爸 你在哭吗 -没有

- Are you sure you're okay? - Yep. -你确定你没事吗 -没事

Oh, my god. He is crying. 我的天哪 他哭了

I've never seen dad cry before. 我以前从来没见咱爸哭过

But, dad, if you cry, then I'll cry! 但是 老爸 要是你哭的话 我也要哭了

I'm not crying. 我没哭

We made our daddy cry! 我们把老爸弄哭了

You called me daddy? 你叫我爸爸吗

Because you are our daddy! 因为你就是我们老爸

I'll always be your daddy! 我永远是你们的爸爸

Don't cry, mom. 别哭啊妈

I am not crying. 我没哭

Let me fill you in on a little secret, Luke. 我告诉你一个秘密 卢克

When I met your dad, I was fun, too. 我刚跟你爸认识的时候 也很风趣

But I had to give all that up, 但是后来我不得不放弃

because you can't have two fun parents. 因为你们不能有一对风趣的爸妈

That's a carnival. 那样就不可收拾了

You know that kid Liam who wears pajama pants to school 你记得那个叫利亚

姆的小孩吗 就是穿着睡衣上学

and pays for things with a $100 bill? 然后用一百美元买东西的那个

Two fun parents. Mark my words. 他就有一对有趣的父母 记住我的话

Oh, my god! Ohh! 啊 我的天

You're fun, too, mom. 老妈 你也很有趣

I just said I'd go with dad 我刚才说我要跟老爸一起

because I think he'd need me more. 是因为我觉得 他更需要我

How come I do all the looking and you do all the sitting? 怎么我在这到处找


'Cause you do all the losing. 因为都是你弄丢的

Oh, and you're this close 你再唠叨 我就让你每天

of doing all the sleeping in a tent in the backyard! 都睡后院的帐篷

Did you check your purse? 你翻过你的包了吗

Yes, of course! 当然了

It's a big purse. You might want to look again. 这包很大 你最好再检查一遍

Okay. I check. You rest. 好吧 我检查 您老坐着

No. There's nothing. 不在里面

You're sure? 你确定

Yes. I've looked twice now. 是的 我都看了两遍了

- There's nothing. - Okay. -什么都没有 -好吧

Then you better call us a cab! 那你最好帮我们叫辆出租车

Manny! Manny? 曼尼 曼尼

What the hell? Where'd that thing come from? 怎么回事 这东西哪来的

Christmas. Two years ago. Never took it out of the box. 两年前的圣诞节 从来


"Who would enjoy that?" I thought. 我当时想"谁会喜欢这个呢"

A kid, that's who. 答案就是 小朋友

Well, come on. We've got your party. 快点 我们要去你的派对了

What's the point? You were right. I-I was born 16. 何必呢 你说的对 我生来就


I've lost my childhood. 我没有童年

Why did you want me to look again in my purse, Jay, huh? 你为什么让我再翻

一遍包包 杰

Is it because you put the keys in there? 是不是你把钥匙放进去的

No. Why, did you find it? 我没有 怎么 你找到钥匙了吗

Yes, I found them because you put the keys in there! 没错 那是因为是你把钥


Manny, what the hell are you doing there? 曼尼 你他奶奶的在那干什么呢

He wants to cancel his party because he missed his childhood 他想取消派对


The party that I have rescheduled three times, 这个派对我重新安排了三次

changed the restaurant twice 换了两次餐厅

so that the whole family could be together?! 就为了全家能聚在一起 你现在说


Please send my regrets. 我表示抱歉

Now, if I could have a 现在可以给我点私人空间了吧

Privacy?! Esto es lo que me faltaba a me. 私人空间

Privacy?! En esta casa? 私人空间吗

Is that a skateboard down there? 下面那个是滑板吗

The second thing that slipped right out from under me today. 这是我今天失去


Okay, time to get out. 好了 快出来吧

The first was my childhood. 第一个是我的童年

I get it! 我知道了

I am so sick of stubborn men! 我真讨厌固执的人

You, you act like a little boy 你 你表现的就像个

That doesn't want to accept that he's wrong. 不承认自己犯了错的小屁孩

And you like a sad old man that doesn't want to be happy! 而你就像一个自怨


That's it! 老娘受够了

- You could have shot me! - Come on, Manny. -你会射中我的 -得了吧 曼尼

I could've unbuttoned your shirt if I wanted to. 要是我想 我可以用这个打掉你


Now come here, or sink! 要么速度滚上来 要么跟着这岛一起沉没

And I'm taking this with me in the car. 我会在车上带着这把枪的

Vamonos. 我们走吧

I know that face, Mitchell. 我认得你这表情 米奇尔

Okay, a-and we're walking. 好吧 我们要赶路呢

It means you were right and I was wrong 你这表情是说你对了 而我错了

for trying to help two people. 就因为我要帮助那俩人

- Adulterers? - Fair enough. -帮那对偷情的人吗 -我没话讲

A-actually, the most adult adulterers ever. 说实话 他们是我见过最老的偷情者了

But my impulse was still right. 但我的初衷是好的

- Oh, god. Here we go. - Life is about being -- -天呐 又来了 - 生活就是

Yes. You know what? Here we do go. 怎么 我就是要说

It's about being spontaneous. 生活就是要跟着感觉走

It's about throwing yourself into something, 做自己想做的事情

not working long hours every night at the office. 而不是每晚都在公司工作加班

It's like you're living your l-- 你就像是生活在自己的...

- What is this? - I don't know. -神马情况 -不知道

Excuse me, constable, what -- what is going on? 打扰一下 警官 这是神马情况

活动结束后迅速闪人 一群陌生人通过网络等做出约定 然后一起做出夸张举动

Oh, it's a flash mob! It's a flash mob! 我知道了 是快闪族 快闪族

Ooh! We saw it on Youtube. Remember? 还记得吗 我们一起在视频网上看过

People get together and choreograph big dance numbers! 许多人们聚在一起


We should go. T-this is kind of weird. 我们还是快走吧 这有点怪异

No, this is joyful, Mitchell. 不要 这很有趣 米奇尔

You, of all people, should -- 你应该...

Cam's right. I can be a little rigid. 小卡说的对 我是有点死板

So when Chad from accounting, 所以有一天当会计部的查德

who I always thought was gay 一个我一直以为是男同

but apparently is not, 但其实却不是的人

Um, told me about this flash mob, 问我要不要参加这次的快闪族活动

I thought, "Hells yes". 我说 当然愿意

Uh, we've been practicing after work a couple of nights a week. 我们每礼拜有


And it's -- it's been a big commitment, 我们付出了很多

but it's totally worth it. 但这太值了

This dance is my love letter to Cam. 这次的舞蹈是我对小卡的一次爱的表白

Okay, so, this is why I was rushing you around. 好了 这就是我一直催你的原因

Huh? What do you think of me now? 怎么样 有没有改变你对我的看法

How could you, Mitchell? 你怎么能这样对我 米奇尔

What? Cameron. 怎么了 卡梅隆

- Cameron. - Not now. Donald! -卡梅隆 -别烦我 唐纳德

You do fun stuff. 你也有搞笑的时候

You put that potato chip in my sandwich. 你曾放过一片薯片在我的三明治里

That was a crunchy surprise. 咔嚓一声 吓了我一跳

Nope, that was your dad. Everything fun is your dad. 那是你爸的主意 家里的


Second Christmas, 圣再诞节 意大利口音之夜

this race. 还有这次比赛

Which we could've won. Your way is way faster. 我们能赢这次比赛的 你挑的路


It is, isn't it? 那是当然啊

Buckle up, Luke. 坐稳了 卢克

Today you have two fun parents. 今天你将有一对搞笑的父母

Come on, mom. You can do it. 老妈加油 我相信你

That's right I can. 那是当然

Tell me the truth, Jay. 说实话吧 杰

Did you put the key in my bag? 是不是你把钥匙放在我包里的

No. 不是

I won't be mad. 我不会生气

In order to prove a point, I may have -- 为了证明我的观点 我有可能

I knew it! 我就知道

Why did I get you such a big watch?! 我怎么会给你买这么大一块表

Why, Jay?! What point did you have to prove?! 为什么 杰 你到底想证明什么

I'm trying to teach you to be organized. 我想让你变得有条理

Your mind is scattered, Gloria. 你太散漫了 歌洛莉亚

Your mind is gonna be scattered. 看看待会谁比较散

Manny, hand me the gun! 曼尼 把枪拿来

I appreciate the gesture, 谢谢你献舞给我

and I'm not proud of how I'm feeling right now, 我也觉得我这个态度不太好

but the fact is, you cheated on me. 可问题是 你对我不忠

In what way did I cheat on you? 我这算哪门子不忠

You cheated on me with choreography, 你瞒着我排练舞蹈

and that is the worst kind. 这是最严重的不忠

Well, it really isn't. 这真的不算

You danced without me, Mitchell! 你居然不带我 自己去跳舞 米奇尔

If I'd known it was my last summer there, 早知道去年是我最后一次野营

If I'd known it was my last summer there, Pippin是苹果在90年代出品的游戏机

I'd have gone for the lead in "Pippin." 我就去竞争Pippin游戏社团的领导

Dad, look up ahead. Coming at us. There's mom! 老爸 看前面 老妈正朝我们开


Beat her! 打败他

I don't think he's in the mood for that right now. 我认为他现在没心情比赛

Hold on. No. 够了 不行

If ever a man needed a win, it's this man. 现在最需要赢得胜利的人 就是你

What do you say, dad? 你觉得呢 老爸

Okay. This one's for family camp. 好的 为了家庭野营

Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! 冲 冲 冲 冲 冲 冲 冲 冲

- This is so inappropriate! - I love you! -这感觉太刺激了 -我爱你

Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! Go! 冲 冲 冲 冲 冲 冲 冲 冲

Mom, look out! 妈妈 小心

Cam! 小心 小卡

Anybody hurt? 有人受伤吗

I am. 我

I was almost too depressed to come today. 我今天本来郁闷得都不想来了

I realized I let my childhood slip away. 我发现我虚度了我的童年

Look at 看看卢克

making one big straw out of three. 用三个吸管连成一根长的

Never change, Luke. 保持童心吧 卢克

I really thought it was too late for me. 我真的以为现在挽回童年已经太迟了

But watching all you acting like children, 但看到你们都这么大了还一个个耍孩子

it hit me -- I've got plenty of time left to be a kid. 我恍然大悟 我还有大把时间


Anyway, happy birthday to me. 总而言之 祝我生日快乐

Happy birthday, Manny. 生日快乐 曼尼

Happy birthday, Manny. 生日快乐 曼尼

I have been a child. 我太小孩子气了

I'm sorry I hid the keys. 抱歉我藏了你的钥匙

I'm sorry I shoot the island. 很抱歉我射沉了那座小岛

We're totally racing home. 我们回家的路上再比一次

I'm way ahead of you. 我可比你快多了

As usual. 一向如此

They say it's going to be a rainy weekend. 天气预报说本周末会下雨

They don't know. 天气预报啥时候准过

I do. My knee's been singing all morning. 可是我准 我的膝盖都响了一个早上了

Unbelievable. 难以置信

Mother of g -- 我的妈呀

Put them down and walk away. 把钥匙放下 然后走开

You know, Gloria -- 我跟你说 歌洛莉亚





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