


Well, it's a good thing that I never listen. 还好我从不听话

So 那你

what 到底有什么

plan? 计划

Get Toothless back and kick 夺回没牙仔 狠狠教训德拉戈

Heads up! 小心

And that thing. 还有这件事

Ah, that's a good boy. 好孩子

W-w-watch the furniture! 看 看着点家具

Where are you going? 你要去哪

is dead! 你们的首领已经死了

- Stoick? - No! Not possible! -史推克 -不 不可能

No one can protect you now! 现在没人能保护你们了

No. 不

He took all the dragons. 他带走了所有龙

Distract the Alpha. 引开龙王

Try to keep his focus off of Toothless. 让他无暇顾及没牙仔

Uh, how? 怎么引开他啊

Have you forgotten who you're riding with? 你忘了你的战斗伙伴是谁了吗

There isn't a dragon alive that I can't wrangle! Aah! 就没有我驯服不了的龙

- Except for ! - Amateur. -这只除外 -半吊子

Hey, look! It's Hiccup! 看啊 是小嗝嗝

What? 什么

Keep 'em coming! 继续扔羊

Black sheep, baby! 黑羊来了 宝贝

Ten points! 十分

I'm okay! 我没事

You certainly are hard to get rid of, I'll say that. 我承认 想甩掉你还真不容易


It's me, bud. 是我 伙计

It's me. 是我

It's me. I'm right here, bud. 是我 我在这呢 伙计

Come back to me. 回我这来

He's not yours anymore. 他已经不是你的了

He belongs to the Alpha. 他现在属于龙王

But, please, o great dragon master, 但是 请便吧 驯龙大师

to take him. 你可以试试

He will not miss a second time. 他第二次可不会失手了

It wasn't your fault, bud. 那不是你的错 伙计

made you do it. 是他们逼你做的

You'd never hurt him. 你永远也不会伤害他的

You'd never hurt me. 你永远也不会伤害我的

How are you doing that? 你是怎么做到的

Please. You are my best friend, bud. 求求你了 你是我最好的朋友 伙计

My best friend. 我最好的朋友

Attaboy! That's it! 好样的 这就对啦

I'm here. 我就在这儿

Enough! 够了

Hang on! 坚持住

Almost there, buddy, almost there. 我快够到你了 伙计 我这就来了

Do something! 想想办法啊

We need to get those two apart. 我们得把他们俩分开

We gotta block him out, Toothless. 我们必须屏蔽掉控制 没牙仔

Do you trust me, bud? 你信任我吗 伙计

We can do this. 我们能做到的


as one. 一心同体

That's it. 没错

Now let's try this one more time! 咱俩再试一次

Take him down, babe! 打败他 宝贝

Go get him. 去打败他

Take control of it! 控制它啊

Shut it out, Toothless. 别受他干扰 没牙仔

- Stop them! - Now! -阻止他们 -就是现在

Not again. 又来

Toothless, it's now or never! 没牙仔 成败就看现在了

Come on, bud! 来啊 伙计

Hold on! 稳住

Ya-ha! We did it! 我们成功了

Hold him there, Toothless. 盯住他 没牙仔

It's all over now. 一切都结束了

Or is it? 是吗

Oh, no! 不

No! 不

No! 不


He's challenging the Alpha! 他在挑战龙王

To protect you! 为了保护你

No, no, no, no, no! No! 不 不 不 不 不 不

Fight back! Fight! 反击啊 反击

Fight! 反击

What's the matter with you! 你这是怎么了

Hold your ground! Hold the line now! 坚守阵地 决不动摇

Now do you get it? 你现在明白了吗

This is what it is to earn a dragon's loyalty. 这才叫赢得了龙的真心

Let this end now. 让这一切就此结束吧

Never! 永不

Come on! 上啊

Fight! 反击

protects them all. 真正的龙王会保护所有的龙

You never cease to amaze me, bud. 你总是让我刮目相看 伙计

Thank you. 谢谢

Toothless, you know that doesn't wash out! 没牙仔 你知道口水洗不掉

I knew you'd come back 我就知道你会回来的

You're back, my beauty! 你回来了 宝贝

Stormfly! 风中飞

Oh, give me a cuddle, Grumpy! 让我抱抱 葛伦普

Who's my little princess! 谁是我的小公主

Don't you ever leave again, Hookfang. 你再也不许离开我了 钩牙

- Oh, you are. Yes, you are. - I -就是你 没错 就是你 -想死你了

Oh, 喷喷

Not you! 不是你

That was some 刚才的你

pretty fine dragon-wrangling back there. 驯龙果然很有一套啊

You'd make a good trapper. 你会是个出色的捕龙猎手

Skullcrusher is gonna need somebody 裂颅现在需要找个人

to look after him now. 照顾他

Me? 我吗

I'd be honored. 我很荣幸

Oh, your father, 你父亲

he'd be every bit as proud as I am. 会像我一样为你自豪的

Thank you. 谢谢

I'm really glad you're here, mom. 你在我身边真是太好了 妈妈

And here I'll stay. 我会一直留在你身边的

See? 看吧

I told you it was in here. 我就说在这里吧

You're still doing that one. 你还玩这招呢

That's hilarious. 真好笑

Come here, you. 你给我过来

The chief has come home! 首领归来

Long live the chief! 首领万岁

Long live the chief! Long live the chief! 首领万岁 首领万岁

Long live the chief! 首领万岁

is Berk. 这里是博克岛

A bit trampled and busted 有些破烂 有些简陋

and covered in ice, but it's home. 还有些地方被冰覆盖 但这里是我的家

It's our home. 是我们的家

Those who attacked us 过往袭击过我们的敌人

are relentless and crazy. 残酷且疯狂

But those who stopped them? 但是成功战胜了他们的我们呢

Oh... even more so! 更是勇猛

We may be small in numbers, but we stand for something 虽然我们人数不多


bigger than anything the world can pit against us. 这个世界上最强大的东西

We are the voice of peace. 我们代表和平的声音

And bit by bit, we will change this world. 我们终将一点点改变这个世界

You see, we have something they don't. 我们有他们所缺少的东西

Oh, sure, they have armies, 的确 他们有军队

and they have armadas, 有舰队 但是我们


our dragons! 我们的龙





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