Genius and the Craftsman 天才与工匠 每日英语 2008-03-19
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Many people admire writers for their exquisite stories, but few of them know with
what painstaking efforts writers work to bring a story into the world. The following
essay discusses the process of conceiving a story and developing it into a perfect
work of art.
Once on the edge of a woods at twilight I came upon a small peach tree in flower.
I stayed there watching until the light was gone. I saw nothing of the tree's
origin, nothing of the might which had forced open a pit you could break your teeth
on, and nothing of the principle which held it separate from the oaks and the grasses.
All that appeared to me was a profound and eerie grace.
So it is with the reader who comes upon an outstanding story: spellbound, he takes
it to his heart, no question asked.
But even the beginning writer knows there is more to a story's life than the body
of words which carries it into the world, and that it does not begin with writing,
but with conception in the dark of the mind.
It is not necessary to understand the creative function in order to produce original
work. Centuries of art, philosophy and science have emerged from the minds of people
who may not even have suspected the inner process. It seems to me, however, that at
least a degree of understanding of the creative event increases our wisdom in dealing
with the emerging story by making us aware of two things.
创造工作一定程度的了解 ,至少会使我们通过知道两个事实,增长我们处理正在出现的故事
First, genius is not the exclusive property of the master craftsman; it is the creative
function of the human mind. There is no mast
ery without it, and there is no person without it, however
undeveloped it may be. Mastery is genius afoot. It is genius cultivated, developed,
and exercised. Your genius works at the level of origins; its business is to create;
it is the creator of your story.
握是天赋的显现,是 经过培养的,发展了的和受过训练的天赋。你的天赋在最原始的层面上
Second, the body of words that carries your story into the world is the work of the
craftsman's labor, which is as conscious, as canny, and as practical as that of
the bricklayer. While genius is a natural part of our mental equipment, like
perception, memory, and imagination, craftsmanship is not. It must be learned. It
is learned by practice, and by practice it is mastered. If the stories that rise within
us are to emerge and flourish, each must be provided with a strong, handsome body
of words, and only sound craftsmanship can provide this.
第二,将你的小说带进世界的文字是艺术家的工作,它就和一个泥瓦匠的工作一样 ,有意识、
How is a story conceived? It is said that we write from the first twenty years of
our lives, perhaps from the first five; it may depend on the individual, as so much
does in writing. In any case, the lucid impressions of childhood and early youth,
more or less unconditioned, unexplained, unchecked, lie in the memory, live and
timeless. Enigma, wonder, fear, rapture, grandeur, and trivia in every degree and
combination, these early impressions throb and wait for what? Completion of some kind?
For recognition of their own peculiar truth? It would seem their wounds want lancing;
their secret knowledge wants telling; the discoveries would be shared, and woes