Human Research Ethics Committee for Non-Clinical Faculties
Application Form for Ethical Approval
Please complete Parts A - B and F – H. If you are collecting new data, please also complete Part C. If you are studying
existing personal data, document or records, please also complete Part D. If you are collecting new data, and seeking a
waiver of informed Consent, please also complete Part E.
Part A: Summary
Part B: Research Proposal
Please summarise on ONE page the objectives of the project and methodology used, and attach a copy of your proposal
including any questionnaire and informed consent form to be used.
Part C: Risk Assessment for Newly Collected Data
1 Minimal risk means that the probability and magnitude of harm or discomfort anticipated in the research are not greater in
and of themselves than those ordinarily encountered in daily life or during the performance of routine physical or
psychological examination or tests.
Part D: Using Existing Documents or Records containing Personal Data
Please complete this section if you are using existing documents or records that contain any personal data.
2Please note that the term “publicly available” means that the general public can obtain the data. Sources are not considered
“publicly available” if acc ess to the data is limited to researchers.
Part E: Assessment for a Waiver of Written Informed Consent
The waiver of written informed consent is only applicable to data without personal identifiers, e.g. where data are tabulated or
where oral consent is audio-recorded, PIs are required to clearly specify that they are using data without personal identifiers
in their research grant proposals.
Part F: Benefits
Please state any possible benefit to participants.
Part G: Attachments
Please tick as appropriate to indicate which of the following documents are enclosed to this application.
(i) Mandatory
(ii) Mandatory unless waiver has been applied for or no data collection is being undertaken.
Part H: Declaration
APRIL 2014