


新视野第三册 英译汉汉译英翻译答案 (Unit 1-Unit 10) Unit One The Expensive Fantasy of

Lord Williams 1. My thanks go to those who still stuck by me when I fell upon dark days. 2. Now

that he has published a popular novel which earns him a large amount of money, he is able to buy

a new house and a car. 3. The police said that their suspicions were aroused because the girl had

other marks on her body. 4. How can you talk to her like that? She is the one who brought you up

and helped you finish school. 5. Hard as the road for these students after school will be, their

prospects are bright. 6. In order to have enough money to run the business, he sold his

newly-bought house at auction even at a substantial loss. 7. He is fully justified in criticizing the

police commissioner for poorly supervising his department. 8. These ancient buildings which are

under protection have been restored beautifully to attract foreigners. 1. 周六晚,在“牢骚酒吧”,

村民依旧乐意向 “威廉斯勋爵”祝酒,尽管这个头衔现在只能引来阵阵笑声。 2. 这个美丽


的贵族说话和气,1986年和他穿着入时的妻子一同来到这里。 3. 威廉斯先生买下了一笔又

一笔的房产,给小村注入大量的现金,一手令它焕发了生机。 4. 可是谁也没有料到这个事

实:这个财源滚滚、举止友好的人并非什么勋爵,而是一名政府公务员。 5. 威廉斯先生自


他在法庭受审,被判监禁七年半。 6. 但是最主要的,是他将不法收入投进了这座山村。精


7. 但最主要的, 是他将年久失修的戈登—阿姆斯旅馆买下并完全改装,将这堆废墟变成了一

座华丽的一流宾馆。 8. 阿布迪先生通过获取银行贷款和与不同的人做交易,仅支付威廉斯

先生所欠他们的一部分,最后以大约50万英镑的价格,买下了绝大部分房产。 Unit Two Iron

and the Effects of Exercise 1. Most people with low iron reserves don’t know they have an iron

deficiency. 2. It is not sufficient only to check levels of the blood protein that transports oxygen. 3.

Men are not safe, especially those who eat little meat and have a high level of physical activity. 4.

It’s advisable for people in these groups to have a yearly blood test to check blood iron reserves. 5.

Iron supplements may produce a feeling of wanting to throw up, and may be poisonous in some

cases. 6. The best sources of iron are meat, chicken, fish, dates, beans, and some leafy green

vegetables. 7. The reason why people sometimes take iron supplements is that the supplements

supplement the small amount that naturally occurs in grains. 8. Cook tomato sauce in an iron pot

for three hours, and its iron content increases strikingly. 1. 运动药物专家经过多年研究,发现耐

力运动员,特别是女性,经常会缺铁。 2. 她对62名妇女进行了研究,并将研究结果发表


每周3次的锻炼。 3. 缺铁在女性中是很常见的,10多岁的少女有四分之一的人缺铁,18

至45岁的女性中有五分之一的人缺铁。 4. 此外,保健意识很强的女性面临更大的危险,

因为她们拒绝食用牛羊肉,而这些肉中含有的铁质最易被吸收。 5. 有些铁质岁汗液排出。

另外,由于未知的原因,高强度的耐力运动有时与消化系统内出血联系在一起。 6. 到了缺


子,将氧输至运动着的肌肉。 7. “人们认为, 只要不到第三阶段就不会有什么问题。 这种

看法是不对的。”帮助策划柏杜研究的约翰L比尔德说。 8. 运动员从事高强度的运动,比

如跑步时,也可能因为足部细血管失血的现象而使铁质流失。 Unit Three Where Principles

Come First 1. Our school operates on the principle that moral values and academic achievements

are equally important. 2. The new teaching program was suspended last term because the teachers

in the department protested its demands and the strain associated with more intense work. 3. We

see ourselves as preparing our students for a way of life by cultivating a comprehensive set of

principles that can affect all of them. 4. The basis of the Character First idea is that every human

being has a unique potential that is based on character, not intelligence or wealth. 5. We were

warned by the teacher in the first lesson that students got a grade not only for academic

achievement but also for attendance and best effort. 6. Once parents agree in writing to accept and

demonstrate the school’s philosophies and outlook, the students can gain admission. 7. In the

Hyde School greater attention is paid to the establishment of a fruitful relationship with each

student while in the traditional high school setting the focus is on the teacher and the material. 8.

The school stresses the idea that it is worthwhile for parents to participate in school activities

together with their children. 1. 该校的创始人约瑟夫–高尔德声称学校的教学计划很成功。海


名。 2. 在一堂英语课上,11名学生用最后的五分钟展开激烈的讨论,依照1-10的评分标

准相互评价他们当天的课堂表现。 3. 为了避免美国中学使用的其他品格培养方案所引发的

争议,高尔德解释说,“全力以赴” 这一概念并不是要强迫学生接受某一套道德原则或宗教

观念。 4. 家长签约同意每月出席一次区小组会议(共20个区小组),每年去区休养所三天,

每年至少参加三次巴思市的研修班、讨论组和研讨会。 5. 公立学校学生家长的活动计划仍

在制定当中。这项工作的困难要大得多,因为很难使家长们相信自身的参与很有价值。 6. 他


寄宿学校的学生家长完全不同。 7. 海德中学的办学宗旨是:如果你向学生传授诸如诚实、

勇敢、正直、领导能力、好奇心和关心他人等美德的话,学生的学习成绩自然就会提高。 8.

我们有几分喜欢这种活力,但并不是喜欢它不好的一面,而是要将它转化成好的一面。 Unit

Four Five Famous Symbols of American Culture 1. His parents did not approve of his plan to go

and study abroad with a girl they had never met, but he went ahead and got to New York with her.

2. It is said that the painter used his aunt as the model in the painting whose face represented

suffering yet strength. 3. The real Ken did not like the three-dimensional Barbie dolls, which were

described as having the appearance of “a woman who sold sex”. 4. The novelist instantly rose to

fame in 1950 with the publication of Good-bye, My Dear, a novel inspired by his experience with

a girl on his older brother’s farm. 5. After the war, a character called Uncle Sam began appearing

in political cartoons, and soon became American’s most popular symbol. 6. The painting shows a

serious-looking man and a woman standing alongside him in front of a farmhouse, their models

being respectively the painter’s dentist and sister. 7. In order to have the buffalo on the other side

of the nickel, he went to the Central Park Zoo to sketch an aging buffalo which was later killed for

a wall decoration. 8. One story says that “US” was short for “Uncle Sam” whose real name was

Sam Wilson who had once worked with a man who had signed a contract with the government to

provide meat to the US Army. 1. 19世纪70年代中期,法国艺术家弗里德里克—奥古斯特—巴


念碑。 2. 马特尔公司将这个娃娃作了一番改造,变成了体面而地道的美国货,尽管胸围有

些夸张。它名从当时10多岁的少女芭芭拉。 3. 如今芭芭拉已有60多岁了,她拒绝接受采

访,但据说非常喜欢芭比。她可能是当今世上真名实姓不为人知的最著名的人物。 4. 1930

年,格兰特— 伍德因其画作《美国哥特式》一举成名。此画体现了美国农民庄严的自豪,

常常被人临摹。 5. 他深受中世纪艺术的影响,他的灵感来自于一所古老农舍的哥特式窗户,

但最令世人注目的是画中人物的脸。 6. 但1913至1938年间发行的野牛硬币,却是为了纪

念由美国拓居引起的两起相互关联的悲剧——野牛群的灭绝和美洲印第安人的毁灭。 7. 尽


行之,启用了三名真正的美洲印第安人作为自己创作的原型。 8. 战后,政治漫画里开始出





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