


Urban Heritage

Innovative Strategies for Urban Heritage Conservation, Sustainable

Development, and Renewable Energy

Girard, L. (2006)

Heritage conservation should be an important part of a more general urban economic development

strategy of city, as well as a spatial development strategy. At the same time, it must also be part of an

energy conservation and renewable resources utilization strategy. For example, “solar city strategies”

can promote closer integration of the economic and ecological systems, such that urban

environmental economics can be implemented to foster sustainable prosperity and quality of life. A

strategy based on renewable energy can positively affect the physical structure of a city, both its form

and its building architecture. Strategies for conserving the built environment are designed to preserve

and enhance cultural, historic, and artistic values, and more importantly, to provide a set of economic

and social benefits and contribute to improving the quality and sustainability of the urban ecology.

Urban planning and spatial development policy can be both economic and ecological if the overall

systems are balanced, starting with energy production and consumption. Conservation of urban

heritage can be genuinely sustainable to the extent that it revitalizes communities by creating a

dynamic, growth-oriented mix of new functions that regenerate economic and social life, while at the

same time reducing energy consumption and increasing the use of renewable resources.


Planning for Urban Heritage Places: Reconciling Conservation, Tourism, and

Sustainable Development

Nasser, N. (2003)

A conflict between the preservation of the character of existing

historic towns and "change" has formed

the central argument

for conservation. More recently, heritage has superseded conservation,


marketing of heritage as a product according to the demands

of the consumer, mainly tourists, has

resulted in the commercialisation

of heritage over conservation values. Today, the symbiosis of


tourism and heritage places has become a major objective

in the management and planning of historic

areas. This article

examines the current conflicts among the ideas of conservation,

heritage, and

tourism and argues for a sustainable approach

to the management and planning of heritage places

based on a

community and culture-led agenda.


Conservation and Rehabilitation of Urban Heritage in Developing Countries.

Steinberg, F. (1996)

This paper addresses rehabilitation and conservation of old inner-city areas and historic monuments in

the cities of the developing world which have so far received very little attention in urban development

policy. The need for urban rehabilitation and adaptive re-use is discussed with reference to a number

of cases, i.e. Cairo, Tunis, Sana'a, Aleppo, Delhi, Bombay, Bhaktapur, Galle, Penang, Singapore,

Shanghai, Beijing, Quito, Cartagena, Rio de Janeiro and Havana. A delineation of the concept is

provided, and some key aspects of rehabilitation are discussed. The paper concludes with

considerations on the need for area rehabilitation and revitalisation approaches which maintain the

typical urban tissue and essential qualities of the historic areas and of the life of the communities

residing there, but which can also adapt the physical structures and activities to some of the present





Heritage: Identification, Conservation, and Management


Aplin, G. (2002)

The concept of "heritage" covers the elements of the world that we feel are worth preserving for future

generations. This book examines the wide variety of immovable or place-based heritage sites that

make up a cultural and national heritage, from historic areas and buildings to the wilderness.

Australian perceptions and approaches are discussed and compared to those in the US, New

Zealand, and several western European countries.


A geography of heritage: power, culture and economy

Graham, B. , Ashworth, G.J. u. J. E. Turnbridge (2000)

The central aim of this book is to trace and explain the relationships between heritage and geography.

The first is an idea that is being increasingly loaded with so many different connotations as to be in

danger of losing all meaning;the second is a discipline, which, while noted for its wide-ranging and

eclec- tic interests and absence of agreed content, maintains some form of common focus around its

interest in space and first task in a book which contains both terms so prominently in the

title, is to state what we mean and thus to establish some delimitation of the phenomenon and of our

particular approach to it.


Interpreting Urban Heritage

Goodey, B. (2006)

Since the mid-nineteenth century much of the UK has looked to its market towns and cities for the

vitality and context that sustain life. Within the next hundred years, people moved from describing their

geographical position as a village or rural location, to the proximity to town or city. Gradually the urban

agglomeration drew them in – factories, shop jobs and administration providing a ticket to suburban

residence within one or



Contested urban heritage. Voices from the periphery.

Shaw, B. J.(1997)

This work seeks to explore recent manifestations of urban heritage contestation within the broad area

of Indian Ocean region countries (or the periphery). The legacies of colonization are juxtaposed with

research detailing the struggles of indigenous people set within the ambit of globalization and the

increasing irrelevances of time/space differences. In this book the specifics of "place" (as opposed to

"space") are explained and placed within the context of growing heritage commercialization reflecting

the imperatives of tourism and other development issues.


Valuing Heritage in Macau: On Contexts and Processes of Urban Conservation.

Chung, T. (2009)

This paper examines the evolving values of urban heritage in Macau in terms of the various

conservation approaches and mechanisms employed, and the shifting emphases on heritage and

development within the context of continuity and change in Macau. Accumulated over four centuries of

cultural interchange, the richly layered Historic Centre of the former Portuguese-administered outpost

attained World Heritage status in 2005. After situating the problem pertaining to the multifaceted

nature of heritage valorisation, the city’s trajectory of urban conservation leading up to the 1999

retrocession will be traced, and germane issues concerning heritage management vis-à-vis effects of

post-handover urban developments assessed. As the latest culmination of value imbalances and

conflicts arising from urban change, the Guia Lighthouse controversy will be critically appraised to

speculate on a timely re-evaluation of Macau’s heritage conservation process.


Landscapes in the Living Memory: New Year Festivities at Angkor.

Winter, T. (2007)

In recent years, a proliferation of studies dedicated to the understanding of national identities through

the ‘memories’ held within symbolic landscapes have emerged (Yalouri, 2001; Boswell and Evans,

1999). This chapter uses and develops the ideas in the context of an annual four-day festival held at

the World Heritage Site of Angkor, Cambodia. The legacy of Cambodia’s glorious past, the templed

landscape of Angkor, is revered by Khmers as a deeply symbolic icon of national, ethnic and cultural

unity, all values which have been brought into sharp focus by the suffering and turmoil endured across

the country in recent years.









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