Lesson 49 Sea Trials
A sea trial is a testing phase for a ship to ensure its seaworthiness. 海上试航是为确保船舶
适航性而进行的试验阶段。Sea trials are conducted after new construction, major repairs, or
when a ship has been in dry dock. 海上试航是在船舶结构新建、大修,或者进坞之后进行的。
These tests are performed to check the safety, reliability, and performance of a ship. 这些试验是
为了检查船舶的安全性、可靠性及其性能。A shakedown cruise is another name for a sea trial,
because the ship will be pushed to its limits during the test.检验性巡航(A shakedown cruise)是
Sea trials begin with the initial start up and evaluation of the various operating systems
aboard a ship. 海上试验从船上各种操作系统的最初始启动和评估开始。This testing often
occurs while the vessel is still pier side and technically not at sea, though it is still part of the sea
trial. 这种测试通常发生在船舶仍停靠在码头旁,技术上不是在海上,尽管这仍然是海上试
验的一部分。Depending on the type of ship, systems being tested may include steering, galley
equipment, evaporators, hydraulics, coolers, air conditioning, generators, navigation, electrical,
and main propulsion. 根据船舶的类型,需要测试的系统可能包括舵机、厨房设备、各种蒸发
器、液压系统、冷却器、空调、发电机、航行仪器、电力和主推进系统。If any of the systems
are found to be faulty, repairs will be performed while still pier side and before going any further
with the sea trial.如果发现任何系统有故障,应在码头旁进行修理,然后再进行进一步的海上
When all systems pass checks and are approved by the ship’s crew, owner, builder, and dry
dock personnel, the next phase of a sea trial is general performance and seaworthiness. 当所有系
体性能和适航性(试验)。The ship is taken out into open water where the main propulsion
systems are pushed to the limit. 船舶开到开阔水域,在该水域主推进系统被开到(最大)极
限。During this phase, the main propulsion systems and propeller shafts are checked for any
unusual vibrations while at full throttle. 在这一阶段,检查主推进系统和螺旋桨轴在全油门时
是否有任何异常振动。 Steering systems are also pushed to full stops at high speeds. 在高速行
After all systems are checked, the ship’s crew, the dry dock crew, and owner or builder of the
ship discuss the outcome of the sea trial. If there are discrepancies, or if it is determined that
changes are needed, the ship goes pier side and may even go into dry dock for further repair. This
process may be repeated until all parties are in agreement that the ship has successfully passed sea
Checking for leaks is a common activity during a sea trial; 在海上试验期间,检查泄漏是一
项常见的项目;however, this is such a necessary procedure that it is not limited to sea trials. 但
是,这是一项非常必要的程序,它不仅限于海上试验。If a boat has been in dry dock specifically
for repairs to the hull, checking for leaks in the newly repaired area is a major part of a shakedown.
Other areas frequently inspected for leaks during inspections include rudders, shafting, sea valves,
and any place where equipment penetrates the hull.在检查期间经常检查泄漏的其他区域包括舵
Sea trials are fairly standardized using technical bulletins published by ITTC, SNAME, BMT,
regulatory agencies or the owners. 使用ITTC、SNAME、BMT、监管机构或船东发布的技术
公告,使海上试验相当标准化。They involve demonstrations and tests of the ship's systems and
Speed trial: 速度试验:The vessel is ballasted or loaded to a predetermined draft and the
propulsion machinery is set to the contracted maximum service setting, usually some
percentage of the machinery's maximum continuous rating (ex: 90% MCR). 船舶压载或
最大持续额定值的某个百分比(例如:90%MCR)。 The ship's heading is adjusted to
have the wind and tide as close to bow-on as possible. 调整船头方向,使风和潮汐尽可
能靠近船艏。The vessel is allowed to come to speed and the speed is continuously
recorded using differential GPS. 允许船舶加速,并使用差分GPS连续记录速度。The
ship is then turned through 180° and the procedure is followed again. 然后将船舶转向
180°并重复进行该步骤。This reduces the impact of wind and tide. 这样可以减少风和
潮汐的影响。 The final "Trials Speed" is determined by averaging all of the measured
speeds during each of the runs. 最后的“试验速度”是每次路径测量的所有速度的平
均值来确定的。 This process may be repeated in various sea states. 这一步骤可能在各
Crash stop:紧急停车 The vessel is ballasted or loaded to a predetermined draft and the
propulsion machinery is set to the contracted maximum service setting, usually some
percentage of the machinery's maximum continuous rating. 船舶压载或装载至预定吃
值的某个百分比。 The trial begins once the order to "Execute Crash Stop" is given. 一
旦发出“执行紧急停车”的命令,试验就开始了。At this point the propulsion machinery
is set to full-astern and the helm is put hard-over to either port or starboard. 在这时,推
进机械被设置为全速后退,舵被转至左满舵或右满舵。 The speed, position and
heading are continuously recorded using differential GPS. 使用差分GPS连续记录速度、
位置和航向。The final time to stop (i.e.: ship speed is 0 knots) track line, drift (distance
traveled perpendicular to the original course) and advance (distance traveled along the
original course line) are all calculated. 最后停车时间(即:船速为0节)的航迹线、
漂移(垂直于原航向的移动距离)和前进(沿原航向行驶的距离)都被计算出来。 The
trial may be repeated at various starting speeds. 试验可能在不同的起动速度下重复进
Endurance: 耐久性:The vessel is ballasted or loaded to a predetermined draft and the
propulsion machinery is set to the contracted maximum service setting, usually some
percentage of the machinery's maximum continuous rating. 船舶压载或装载至预定吃
值的某个百分比。 The fuel flow, exhaust and cooling water temperatures and ship's
speed are all recorded. 燃料流量、排气和冷却水温度以及船速都被记录下来。
Maneuvering trials: 操纵试验: A number of trials to determine the maneuverability and
directional stability of the ship may be conducted. 可进行若干试验,以确定船舶的操纵
性和方向稳定性。These include a direct and reverse spiral manoeuvres, zig-zag, and
lateral thruster use. 这些包括正车和倒车操纵,之字形行进和侧推器的使用。
Seakeeping: 耐波性: Was used exclusively for passenger ships but now used in a
variety of vessels. 以前只用于客船,但现在用于各种船舶。Involves measurements of
ship motions in various sea states followed by a series of analyses to determine comfort
levels, likelihood of sea sickness and hull damage. 包括测量船舶在各种海况下的运动,
然后进行一系列分析,以确定舒适度、晕船和船体损坏的可能性。 Trials are usually
protracted in nature due to the unpredictability of finding the correct sea state and the
need to conduct the trials at various headings and speeds. 由于无法预测准确的海况以
Trial Schedule试验时间表
The trial schedule lists each event to be completed on the trial, the scheduled time, and often,
the individual responsible for conducting the event. 试验进度表列出了试验中要完成的每个事
件、预定时间,通常还有负责进行试验的人员。The schedule is usually updated periodically
during the trial as events are rescheduled. 在试验期间,随着事件的重新安排,时间表通常会
定期更新。 The following is a typical schedule for the contract trials of a slow speed diesel ship.
以下是低速柴油船合同试验的典型时间表。Note that this schedule includes a diesel engine
break-in period during which the main propulsion engine speed and power are gradually increased
per the requirements of the engine manufacturer for new engines. 注意,本计划包括柴油发动机
要求逐渐增加。 This break-in period provides an excellent opportunity to adjust and tune the
power plant, particularly the control systems.这个磨合期(试运行期)提供了一个很好的机会
Time Event
First Day第一天
0000 Energize gyro and electronic equipment at least eight hours prior to departure在开
0400 Sound all tanks. Make preparations for getting underway. (The sea trial director
usually has prepared a detailed check-off list for these preparations.) 测量所有油
0600 Test navigation gear测试导航装置
0800 Depart shipyard and proceed to test area. 离开船厂,前往测试区域。
0900 Adjust magnetic compass调整磁罗经
1000 Begin adjustment of main propulsion plant and control system. 开始调整主推进装
Begin main engine break-in Increase speed to 108 RPM开始主机磨合(试运行),
将转速提高到108 RPM
1300 Increase speed to 113 RPM将转速提高到113 RPM
1600 Main engine examination主机检查
1700 Continue main engine break-in Increase speed to 116 RPM继续主机磨合(试运
行),提高转速至116 RPM
2000 Increase speed to 119 RPM将速度提高到119 RPM
2300 Increase speed to 122 RPM (maximum rated speed) 将转速提高到122 RPM(最
Second day第二天
0200 Main engine examination主机检查
Trial Report试航报告
The results of trials are documented in a comprehensive report issued by the builder. 试航结
果记录在建造商发布的综合报告中。 A typical formal trial report will include the following
Hull description船体描述
Machinery description机械说明
Log of trial events试航事件记录
List of personnel in attendance参加人员名单
Draft, displacement, and ballast data吃水、排水和压载数据
Anchor windlass test results锚机试验结果
Steering gear test results舵机试验结果
Machinery test results机械试验结果
Endurance trial results耐久性试航结果
Economy trial results经济性试航结果
Control system tests控制系统试验
Main engine examination and main engine break-in complete, vessel underway. 主
Begin unattended engine room demonstration. 开始无人值守机舱验证。 Conduct
distiller test on steam用蒸汽对造水机进行试验
Complete control system demonstration完整的控制系统验证
Begin horsepower meter turning gear zero check开始马力计转动机构零位检查
Begin anchor windlass test开始起锚机试验
Complete anchor windlass test and turning gear zero check. Increase speed for
economy power trials完成锚机试验和转动机构零位检查。提速并进行经济功率
Begin economy (80%) power trials and distiller test on jacket water. 开始经济
Complete economy (80%) power trials. Build up to maximum power完全经济
Begin maximum (100%) power trial开始最大(100%)功率试验
Begin ahead steering test. 开始前车舵机试验。
Complete ahead steering test and maximum(100%)power trial. 完成前车舵机试验
Quick reversal from full power ahead to full power astern. 速从全功率前进到全
Begin astern endurance run. 开始倒车耐久(性)运行。
Begin astern steering test. 开始倒车舵机试验。
Complete astern steering test and astern endurance run完成倒车舵机试验和倒车
Begin final horsepower meter turning gear zero test开始最终马力计转动装置零位
Vessel underway. 船舶在航。
Moored at shipyard停泊在造船厂
Distiller test results造水机测试结果
Fuel rate test results燃油(用油)率试验结果
Model basin curves系泊型线
Standardization data and curves标准化数据和曲线
“Z” maneuvering test results“Z”行机动操纵试验结果
Crash stop test results紧急停车试验结果
Turing(turning) circle results最小回转圆结果
Supporting data, such as design correction factors支持数据,如设计修正系数
日期:2020.08.18 22:22:45