Employment has a vital bearing on people's livelihoods. It is the fundamental
prerequisite and basic approach for people to improve their lives.
China has a population of nearly 1.3 billion, and is the most populous country
in the world. To solve the employment issue in China is a strenuous, arduous and
pressing task.
In view of the fundamental interests of its people, the Chinese government
recognizes the importance of the issue of employment. Based on the Constitution
of the People's Republic of China, the Labor Law of the People's Republic of China,
and other laws and regulations, the Chinese government has protected the
workers' right to employment, and adopted various policies and measures to
promote employment actively and steadily meet their needs for employment.
The Chinese government has explored and drawn on international
experiences and adapted them for use in the domestic situation, formulating and
implementing a number of proactive employment policies Currently, China has
established a market-oriented employment mechanism; largely solved the
problem of surplus enterprise personnel arising over the years under the planned
economy; and, in the course of economic development and economic
restructuring, expanded the employment scope continuously. As a result, the
employment structure has gradually been optimized; the avenues for employment
have been steadily broadened; the forms of employment have become more
flexible and the employment situation has been maintained basically stable.
On the principles of mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, the Chinese
government has actively participated in international labor-related affairs. China
has ratified the Convention on the Minimum Age for Admission to Employment,
the Convention on Prohibition and Immediate Action for the Elimination of the
Worst Forms of Child Labor, the Convention Concerning Equal Remuneration for
Men and Women Workers for Work of Equal Value, the Employment Policy
Convention, and other international labor-related conventions. In the field of labor
and employment, China has carried out remarkably effective exchanges and
cooperation with the International Labor Organization, the United Nations
Development Program, the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, and a
number of other international organizations and many countries.
I. Basic Employment Situation
In China, there is a large working-age population, while the average
educational level of the people is relatively low, resulting in a very prominent
problem of unemployment. This is primarily manifested in the co-existence of the
contradiction of the total volume of workforce supply and demand and the
contradiction of employment structure, in the simultaneous appearance of
increasing pressure on urban employment and acceleration of the shift of surplus
rural laborers to non-agricultural sectors, and in the intertwining of the
employment problem for new entrants to the workforce and that of the
reemployment for laid-off workers.