Talking about money

Talking about money


The Right Way to Talking About Money in English

Learning new vocabulary and witty English idioms is important to talk about money.

It is also essential to know what you should not say in a simple English

conversation. Money can be a very sensitive subject for people. For instance, asking

someone what their salary is, especially when you are meeting them for the first time, is

thought to be extremely rude in English-speaking societies.

Saying that someone else is having financial difficulties in front of other people can

be seen as an attempt to make the other person look bad. But if you share your own

financial difficulties with other people, they will often think that you trust them and this

can make your relationship stronger.

For some real-life examples of people talking about money, check out these videos:

A YouTuber talks about how he earns his income. Notice how he mentions that he

was hesitant about making this video even though his fans were interested in it since the


In this video, you will see a role-play where the audience is taught strategies to ask

for a raise from your employer.

This video gives you tips on how to haggle for a used car.

How to Talk About Money in English: Vocabulary, Phrases and Idioms

15 Phrases to Build Your Money Vocabulary

1. Cash

Meaning: Cash is any kind of money in the form of bills (paper money) or coins. It

is the easiest way to pay someone if you are physically going out to buy something.


Your total is $14.99. Will you be paying with cash or credit card?

2. Income

Meaning: The amount of money a person earns per month or per year. A person

can earn an income through work, collecting rent or by investing in other companies

(also called an investor).


Earning a good income in this economy is a really hard task.

3. Thrifty





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