"Expand" 是一个多功能的动词,可以用于多种语境。以下是一
1. 扩展空间或尺寸:
• The company decided to expand its offices to
accommodate the growing workforce.
2. 扩大规模:
• The business plans to expand its operations
internationally next year.
3. 增加范围或内容:
• The teacher encouraged the students to expand their
essays by including more details and examples.
4. 使膨胀或膨胀:
• He used a pump to expand the inflatable pool.
5. 增加知识或理解:
• Reading a variety of books can help to expand your
knowledge on different subjects.
6. 扩大经济:
• The government implemented policies to expand the
national economy.
7. 发展观点或理论:
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• The professor expanded on the key concepts during the
8. 通过陈述详细信息或例子而详细解释:
• Can you expand on your idea and provide more details?
9. 在计算机科学中,扩展文件或缩写:
• The file format .jpeg stands for Joint Photographic
Experts Group, and it is commonly used to compress and expand
image files.
10. 扩张感情或关系:
• Traveling together helped them expand their friendship.
请注意,"expand" 的确切意义可能取决于上下文。在不同语境
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