My Dream of Becoming a Soldier
Ever since I was a little kid, I've had this big dream of
becoming a soldier when I grow up. I know it might sound
strange for someone my age to already have such a serious
dream, but I can't help it - the idea of serving my country and
protecting people just gets me really excited!
I think my interest in the military started when I was around
5 years old. My grandpa is a veteran who served in the army for
over 20 years. He would always tell me and my cousins these
amazing stories from his time in the service. He talked about the
cool weapons and gear they got to use, the intense training
exercises, and all the disciplines he learned like leadership,
bravery, and never giving up no matter what. But most of all, he
talked about the powerful bond of camaraderie between soldiers
- how they weren't just co-workers but a band of brothers and
sisters who looked out for each other through thick and thin. To
a 5-year-old me, it all sounded unbelievably awesome and
From then on, I was hooked. I started dressing up in my own
little "soldier costume" of camouflage clothes, combat boots,
and a cap. I'd run around the backyard doing drills and obstacle
courses I made up, pretending to storm enemy bunkers and
calling in air strikes. Sometimes I'd get my friends to play "army"
with me, dividing into teams for big capture the flag battles.
Those made for some pretty epic playground memories!
As I got a little older, my interest in all things military only
grew stronger. I started reading tons of books and watching
documentaries about famous battles, weaponry, and the history
of the armed forces. Who knew learning could be so exciting
when the subject was something you felt passionate about? My
homework suddenly became a lot more fun when I got to write
reports on topics like World War 2 or modern day special
operations units.
In my mind, the life of a soldier is one of the most noble and
selfless callings a person can pursue. These are the heroes who
put their lives on the line to protect our freedom and keep us
safe from threats. They have to endure brutal training to build
physical and mental toughness. They have to master all kinds of