Here's a 2000-word essay rebutting Mr. Miller's homework
essay, written in the voice of an elementary school student:
Dear Mr. Miller,
I am writing to you today because I strongly disagree with
your essay about kids doing too much homework. I think you are
wrong, and kids should have more homework, not less. Here are
my reasons why:
First of all, homework helps us learn better. When we just
listen to the teacher in class, it's easy to forget stuff. But
homework lets us practice over and over until it sticks in our
brains. Without homework, we wouldn't remember anything we
learned in school! My mom always says "practice makes perfect"
and she's right. The more homework I do, the smarter I get.
Secondly, homework teaches us to be responsible. If we
didn't have any homework, we could just goof off after school all
day. But with homework, we have to set aside time, make a plan,
and do our work before we can play. This helps build good habits
that will make us into responsible adults someday. My dad says
when he was a kid he never did his homework and now he can't
hold down a job. I don't want to end up like that!
Another important reason is that homework helps our
families be involved in our education. Every night, my parents
check my homework and help me if I'm stuck. We go over math
problems together, and they quiz me on spelling words. It's a
special time when we can work together as a family towards my
success in school. If I didn't have homework, my parents
wouldn't know what I was learning and couldn't be involved.
You said in your essay that too much homework causes
stress and exhaustion in kids. But I think not having enough
homework would be way more stressful! If I didn't have
homework to work on, I'd just sit around worrying that I was
forgetting everything from class. The homework keeps my brain
working so I don't have to stress about that. And it's not like we
get THAT much - I'm only in 3rd grade! The homework doesn't
take that long if you just sit down and do it.
You also said kids need more free time after school to play
and recharge. I totally agree that play time is important - my
friends and I have so much fun running around at recess. But we