Lesson 1
Hurricane ['hʌrikən] 飓风
Lash [læʃ] v. to strike with or as if with a whip; to strike against with force or violence 鞭打,用
Pummel ['pʌməl] v. to beat or hit, as with the fists, repeatedly 击,打(尤指用拳头)连续揍
Reason out to find out an explanation or solution to a problem, by thinking of all the possibilities
Course n. onward movement in a particular direction; progress 进展,进程,经历;进展
Demolish [di'mɔliʃ] v. to tear down completely; to raze, to ruin 完全推翻;铲除;毁灭
Motel [məu'tel] n. 汽车旅馆:一种为乘汽车旅行的人提供屋内住宿设施,房间通常有直接接
通往室外停车场的通道,也作 motor court, motor lodge
A good a least, full 至少,整整
Gruff [ɡrʌf] adj. hoarse, harsh; brusque or stern in manner or appearance粗糙的,粗哑的;粗
Batten ['bætən] v. to make secure with long strip of wood 用板条固定,用木板钉牢
Ride out to survive or outlast 安然度过,经受得住
Methodically [mi'θɔdik(ə)li] adv. orderly, systematically 有系统地,有条理地
Main n. 主要管道;(自来水,煤气,石油等的)总管道;干线
Bathtub ['bɑ:θtʌb] n. a tub for bathing especially one installed in a bathroom 澡盆,浴缸
Generator ['dʒenəreitə] n. one that generates, especially a machine that converts mechanical
energy into electrical energy; dynamo 发电机,发动机
Scud [skʌd] v. to run or skim along swiftly and easily 迅速地移动或奔跑
Sit out 坐到结束,停留直到…的结束
Come by 访问
Mattress ['mætris] n. 床垫;褥子
Pane [pein] n. one of the glass-filled divisions of a window or door; the glass used in such a
division 窗门上的玻璃格子;门窗上一整块的玻璃
disintegrate [dis'intiɡreit] v. to become reduced to components, fragments, or particles 崩溃,瓦
blast n. a very strong gust of wind or air 一阵(风);一股(气流)
douse [daus] v. to plunge into liquid; to immerse; to drench 使浸没,把…浸入液体中;浸没,
by the minute 一分钟一分钟地
brigade [bri'ɡeid] n. a group of persons organized for a specific purpose 执行特定任务的队伍
scramble ['skræmbl] v to move or climb hurriedly, especially on the hands and knees 爬,尤指用
litter ['litə] n. to shiver convulsively, as from fear or revulsion 战栗,发抖,如因恐惧或感情突
ferocity [fə'rɔsiti] n. the state or quality of being ferocious; fierceness 凶恶,残忍;暴行
swipe [swaip] n. (colloq.) a sweeping blow or stroke (口)挥击,猛击,重击
maroon [mə'ru:n] v. to abandon or isolate with little hope of ready rescue or escape 使孤立无援;
shoot out 抛出,扔出,赶出
devastate ['devəsteit] v. to lay waste; destroy 毁坏,摧毁
swath [swɔ:θ] n. the width of a scythe stroke or a mowing-machine blade; sth. likened to a swath;
a strip 刈幅,镰刀或割草机一刈的宽度;长而宽的地带,类似于刈幅宽的东西;条
snap [snæp] v. to break suddenly with a brisk, sharp, cracking sound 咔嚓折断;突然间折断,发
vacationer [və'keiʃnə(r)] n. 休假者,度假者,(尤指)旅游(或在休养地)度假者
huddle ['hʌdl] v. to crowd together, as from cold or fear (出于寒冷或恐惧)挤在一起
slashing ['slæʃiŋ] adj. severe; merciless; violent 严厉的;猛烈的
implore [im'plɔ:] v. to make an earnest appeal; beseech 恳求,哀求,乞求
bar [bɑ:(r)] n. a vertical line dividing a staff into equal measures; a measure 小节线,把五线谱
trail [treil] v. to become gradually fainter; dwindle 减弱,逐渐变微弱;减小
trail away (声音)逐渐减弱,逐渐消失
debris ['deibri:] n. the scattered remains of sth. broken or destroyed; rubble or wreckage 残骸;破
sanctuary ['sæŋktju'ri,] n. a place of refuge or asylum 避难所,躲避处
cedar ['si:də] n. 雪松(一种东半球生雪松属常绿结球果的树木,在短枝上生有硬刺并有直立
extinguish [ik'stiŋɡwiʃ] v. to put put (a fire, for example); to quench 熄灭(如火等);扑灭
topple ['tɔpl] v.. to totter and fall; to lean over as if about to fall 跌倒;倾斜得好像要跌倒一样,
break apart to break up into pieces, to disintegrate 裂开,分裂
lean-to ['li:ntu:] n. a roof with a single slope, its upper edge abutting a wall or building; a shed
with a one-slope roof 【建】单坡屋顶;有单坡屋顶的棚
prop [prɔp] v. to support or hold in place with pr as with a prop 支撑;维持;支持
tilt [tilt] v. to (cause to) slope, as by raising one end; to incline (使)倾斜;通过抬高物体的一
cower ['kauə] v. crouch or huddle up, as from fear or cold; to cringe in fear 畏缩,(因害怕或寒冷
slant [slɑ:nt] v. to (cause to) slope, incline or turn from a direct line or course, esp. one that is
perpendicular or level; slope (使)倾斜;(使)歪向
hinge [hindʒ] v. to attach by or equip with or as if with hinges or a hinge 给…装铰链,用铰链接
diminish [di'miniʃ] v. to make or become smaller or less or to cause to appear so 减少,使减少
thrust [θrʌst] n. a forceful shove or push 猛推;有力地推或挤
strew [stru:] v. to spread here and there; to scatter 撒;四处散播;分洒
festoon [fes'tu:n] v. 用或好似用花彩装饰;挂花饰于;饰以(或悬挂)花彩,结彩于
coil [kɔil] v. to wind in concentric rings or spirals 盘绕,卷
spaghetti [spə'ɡeti] n. 意大利面条(做成长而硬的条并用开水煮食的面食)
salvation [sæl'veiʃən] n. preservation or deliverance from destruction, difficulty, or ,; to
rescue 拯救,救助
Salvation Army 1878救世军:一个国际救助和慈善组织,威廉·布恩于1865年建立,作为一
canteen [kæn'ti:n] n. a temporary or mobile eating place, especially one set up in an emergency
staffer ['stɑ:fə(r)] n. 雇员终点一员,职员
rake [reik] v. to scrape or sweep, to gather or move forward swiftly 掠过;急速穿过;迅速向前
rampage ['ræmpeidʒ] v. to move about wildly or violently 暴跳;横冲直撞,狂野地或猛烈地
break up to divide, to separate into pieces
pitch in (口)开始使劲干活,努力投入
salvage ['sælvidʒ] v. to save form loss or destruction 抢救;从损失或毁坏中救出
wrath [rɔ:θ] n. forceful or intense anger; rage; fury 愤怒;暴怒;狂怒
afflict [ə'flikt] v. to inflict grievous physical or mental suffering on 折磨;给以…剧烈的肉体或
weld [weld] v. to join(metals) by applying heat, sometimes with pressure and sometimes with an
intermediate or filler metal having a high melting point 焊接,焊缝
reflect [ri'flekt] v. to think seriously; contemplate 深思熟虑;沉思
come through to continue to live, exist, be strong, or succeed after a difficult or dangerous time