exchange rate汇率 mergers并购 restructuring重组 monetary policy货币政策 exchange rate policy汇率政策 debt crisis债务危机European Monetary Union
欧洲货币联盟fiscal union财政联盟 citizens referendum全民公投 第四章全球各地的公司治理 corporate governance around the world公司治理 corporate
governance股东财富最大化 Shareholder wealth maximization忠诚职责 duty of loyalty公司治理机制 corporate governance system股东 shareholder管理人员
managers利益相关者 stakeholders上市公司 the public corporation利益冲突 the conflicts of interest代理问题 agency problem 自由现金流 free cash flows董
事会 board of directors外部董事 outside directors激励合约 incentive contracts所有权集中 concentrated ownership利益联盟效应 alignment管理防御效应
entrenchment透明度 accounting transparenc敌意收购 no stile takeover法律和公司治理 law and corporate governance英国普通法 English common law法国大陆法
French civil law德国大路法 german civil law斯堪的纳维亚大陆法Scandinavian civil law用脚投票 voting by foot用手投票 voting by hand华尔街 the wall street
第五章American terms 美式标价 European terms 欧式标价Cross-exchange rate 套算汇率 spot rate 即期汇率 Forward rate 远期汇率 Foreign exchange
market 外汇市场Interbank market 银行间同业市场 Spot market 即期市场Forward market 远期市场 retail market 零售市场Wholesale market 批发市场
OTC 场外市场Client market客户市场 ask price卖出报价 Bid price买入报价 currency against currency 货币对货币互换Direct quotation 直接标价 indirect
quotation 间接标价Forward premium /discount 远期升水/贴水Triangular arbitrage三角套利Correspondent banking relationships 通汇关系Appreciate 升值
depreciate 贬值 第六章 套利 arbitrage 套利组合arbitrage portfolio 抵补套利covered interest arbitrage 市场假说efficient market hypothesis 费雪效
应fisher effect 远期预期平价Forward expected parity 实际汇率Real exchange rate 利率平价 interest rate parity 国际费雪效应international fisher effect
一介定律law of one price 基本分析法fundamental approach 不可贸易商品Non-tradable Goods购买力平价purchasing power parity 货币数量理论 Quantity theory
of money 技术分析法technical approach 非抵补利率平价 uncovered interest rate parity 自我筹资self-financing 汇率决定exchange rate determination 汇率预
测forecasting exchange rate 随机漫步假说random walk hypothesis 第七章American option 美式期权 Exercise price/Striking price 执行European option
欧式期权 At-the-money 平价Settlement price 结算价格In-the-money 价内 Long 多头Out-of-money 价外Short 空头Call option看涨期权 Writer 开立者Put option
看跌期权 Open interest 未平仓合约 Futures 期货 Option 期权 Hedgers 套期保值者 speculators 投机者Contract size 合约规模 standardized 标准化Derivative
security 衍生证券 premium 期权费 第九章销售额 sales 变动成本 variable costs固定制造费用 fixed overhead costs 折旧额 depreciation allowances
税前净利润 net profit before tax 所得税 income tax税后利润 profit after tax 加回折旧add back depreciation以英镑计算的经营现金流量 operating cash
flow亿美元计算的经营现金流量 in pounds/dollars
第十章利润表:income statement
销售收入:sales revenue
折旧费用: depreciation
净营业利润:net operating income
所得税: income tax
税后利润:profit after tax
外汇损益:foreign exchange gain(loss)
净利润:net income
留存收益增加额: addition to retained earings
现金流量表 cash flow statement
资产负责表 balance sheet
现金 cash
应收账款 accounts receivable
存货 inventory
固定资产净额 net fixed assets
总资产 total assets
应付账款 accounts payable
应付票据 notes payable
流动负债 current liabilities
长期负债 long-term debt
普通股 common stock
留存收益 retained earnings
累计换算调整 CTA(cumulative translation adjustment)
产品销售净额 Net sales of products
减:产品销售税金 Less:Sales tax
产品销售成本 Cost of sales
产品销售毛利 Gross profit on sales
减:销售费用 Less:Selling expenses
管理费用 General and administrative expenses
财务费用 Financial expenses
汇兑损失(减汇兑收益) Exchange losses (minus exchange gains)
产品销售利润 Profit on sales
加:其他业务利润 Add:profit from other operations
营业利润 Operating profit
加:投资收益 Add:Income on investment
加:营业外收入 Add:Non-operating income
减:营业外支出 Less:Non-operating expenses
加:以前年度损益调整 Add:adjustment of loss and gain for previous years
利润总额 Total profit
减:所得税 Less:Income tax
净利润 Net profit
资产负债表 Balance Sheet
项 目 ITEM 项 目 ITEM
货币资金 Cash 短期借款 Short-term loans
短期投资 Short term investments 应付票款 Notes payable
应收票据 Notes receivable 应付帐款 Accounts payab1e
应收股利 Dividend receivable 预收帐款 Advances from customers
应收利息 Interest receivable 应付工资 Accrued payro1l
应收帐款 Accounts receivable 应付福利费 Welfare payable
其他应收款 Other receivables 应付利润(股利) Profits payab1e
预付帐款 Accounts prepaid 应交税金 Taxes payable
期货保证金 Future guarantee 其他应交款 Other payable to government
应收补贴款 Allowance receivable 其他应付款 Other creditors
应收出口退税 Export drawback receivable 预提费用 Provision for expenses
存货 Inventories 预计负债 Accrued liabilities
其中:原材料 Including:Raw materials 一年内到期的长期负债 Long term liabilities due within one year
产成品(库存商品) Finished goods 其他流动负债 Other current liabilities
待摊费用 Prepaid and deferred expenses 流动负债合计 Total current liabilities
待处理流动资产净损失 Unsettled G/L on current assets 长期借款 Long-term loans payable
一年内到期的长期债权投资 Long-term debenture investment falling due in a yaear 应付债券 Bonds payable
其他流动资产 Other current assets 长期应付款 long-term accounts payable
流动资产合计 Total current assets 专项应付款 Special accounts payable
长期投资: Long-term investment: 其他长期负债 Other long-term liabilities
其中:长期股权投资 Including long term equity investment 其中:特准储备资金 Including:Special reserve fund
长期债权投资 Long term securities investment 长期负债合计 Total long term liabilities
*合并价差 Incorporating price difference 递延税款贷项 Deferred taxation credit
长期投资合计 Total long-term investment 负 债 合 计 Total liabilities