The Literature of Reason and Revolution
It refers to the literary period roughly from 1776-1823 in American
I. Background
With the settlement enlarged, colonial industry and trade developed quickly in
spite of the restrictions of the English government. Most important, the economic
prosperity led to inevitable social changes with the increase of newspapers,
education, theater, music, poetry and all the fine arts. The economic and social
changes caused diversity of opinion in religious matters and the decline of religion
as well.
In Europe, thinkers of the Enlightenment emancipated or enlightened
people’s mind from the bondage of feudalistic chains of the Middle Ages, while
in America the humanistic ideas of the movement gave a heavy blow to Puritanism
in advocating science, knowledge and the power and ability of man.
The English government wanted the colonies to remain politically and
economically dependent on the mother country. A natural outcome was increasing
tension with England. In the end, the conflict led to the Revolutionary War which
resulted in American independence and produced such Revolutionary figures as
George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Benjamin Franklin and Thomas Paine.
II. Literature
The last decades of the 18
century witnessed a gradual decline of Puritanism.
While theology dominated the writings of the colonial times, politics
permeated the writings of the Revolution period. The 18
century rationalists
advocated a rational and scientific approach to religious, social, political and
economic issues. The enlightenment, a literary moment originated from Europe
had influenced the best writers of this period. One of the most famous is Benjamin
Franklin whose works displayed a departure from the stock puritan belief. The
period also produced Thomas Jefferson and Thomas Paine who wrote political
pamphlets appropriate to an age of Revolution. The enlightenment had also
influenced the literature of that period in forming a style of clarity and precision.
Literature in this period consists of prose, which was political, dealing with
Revolutionary issues, poetry, drama and the novel.
After the United States achieved its independence, American intellectuals set
out on the journey to a literary independence. However, American literature
throughout the century was largely patterned on the writings of 18
English writers, notably Franklin by Addison and Steele. Joseph Addison and
Richard Steele are publishers of a moralistic journal
The Spectator