The period of Revolution and Restoration
1. Social background----tempestuous
; absolute monarchy(君主统治) impeded
development of capitalism
; caused a revolutionary outburst
2. Several Johns: John Milton John Donne John Bunyan
I. John Milton and Paradise Lost
1. John Milton
He was political in both his life and his art. He was a pamphleteer
of the English
Revolution and the greatest revolutionary poet of the 17th century. He influenced many writers.
The Holy Bible—is composed of New Testament
and Old Testament
. The first
complete English Bible was translated by John Wycliffe
The Authorized Version
was made in 1611 under the auspices
of James I
and was called the King James Bible.
It is a monument
of English language and English literature. A great number of Bible
have passed into daily English speech as household
words. E.g.. eye for eye,
tooth for tooth. The simple and dignified language of the Authorized version has colored the style of
the English prose
John Milton—His works: Important works:
Paradise Lost
Paradise Regained
Defense for the English People
Samson Agonistes
On his blindness
2. Paradise Lost (1666, 1667)
Paradise Lost, the greatest poem by Milton, is a long narrative epic
divided into 12
books. The stories of the poem were drawn from the “Genesis”
of the Bible.
The main plots
of Paradise Lost
1. The creation of universe
2. The rebellion
in Heaven of Satan and his fellow-angels.
3. Their defeat
and expulsion
from Heaven.
4. The creation of the earth and of Adam and Eve.
5. Satan’s temptation
of Eve.
6. The departure of Adam and Eve from Eden
1). What is the poem about?
It is an epic poem in blank verse by the 17th century English poet John Milton. The poem
concerns the story of the Fall of Man; the temptation of Adam and Eve by the fallen
Satan and their expulsion
from the Garden of Eden.
2). Is Satan different from what he is in people’s mind? How is he different?
Satan is a rebellious
figure against God in this epic. Defeated, he and his angels were
in hell. However, Satan refused to accept his failure, swearing that “all was not lost” and that
he would revenge for his downfall
The freedom of the will is the keystone
of Satan’s
character, which was the important spirit of the rising middle class. However, his temptation proved
his evilness.
3). What about God?
The poem is a revolt
against God’s authority. God is a selfish despot
, with a chorus of
angels eternally
singing his praises. He is cruel and unjust
. God and his angels
the court of an absolute monarch
while Satan and his followers
, who
freely discuss all issues in council
, bear close resemblance
to a republic
4). What is the significance
of the expulsion of Adam and Eve?
Adam and Eve embody
Milton’s belief in the power of man. Their longing
knowledge opens a wide road to active and intelligent life.
3. Special features of Milton’s works:
’s style is distinguished by its rich and complex texture(
), the multiplicity
of its
classical (Biblical and mythological) reference, its wealth of ornament and decoration.
’s subjects are lofty
and magnificent. He has always been admired for his
sublimity of thought and majesty of expression.
3. He is a master of blank verse
II. John Donne
1. Life
He wrote many love lyrics and religious sermons
; leading figure of the Metaphysical Poets.
Love and death are common subject matters. “A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning.”
The most frequently used technique is “conceit
A conceit is a far-fetched
or simile, a comparison
between two
highly dissimilar
metaphysical Poets
The “Metaphysical Poets” refers to some poets of the 17th century who wrote under the influence of
John Donne. The leading poets of this schoo
are Andrew Marvell, George Herbert, Richard
Crashaw and Henry Vaughan. Their poems are marked by ingenious
, complexity of thought, delicate sentiment
and frequent
use of paradox
. With a rebellious spirit, they tried to break away from the conventional
fashion of Elizabethan love poetry. Their diction
is simple and their images are drawn from life.
3.A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning.”
It is a love poem. It is written on the occasion of his trip to France. When he is going to leave, his
health is in poor condition and his wife is pregnant.
1).What is the tone?
2).Why did the writer mention moving of the earth and trepidation of the spheres?
3).What is the most famous conceit here?
The tone is serious. In this poem, he praises love through some natural phenomenon. His conceit
in the poem “twin compasses
” is famous for hundreds of years. It also reflects his talent
and wide broad of knowledge.
III. John Bunyan
His most important work is The Pilgrim’s Progress
Another work: Vanity Fair