施耐德电气Modular PDU RPP网络管理设备IP配置向导说明书

施耐德电气Modular PDU RPP网络管理设备IP配置向导说明书


Release Notes

990-5789J 08/2022

Network Management Card 2 (NMC2) for Modular


Supported Products: PDPM72F-5U, PDPM138H-5U, PDPM144F, PDPM138H-R,


What’s in This Document

Schneider Electric Network Management Device IP

Configuration Wizard ........................................................................


Affected Revision Levels ..................................................................


AOS & TCP/IP Stack Modifications (apc_hw05_aos_) .........


Application for Modular PDU/RPP (apc_hw05_xrdp2g_705.

bin) ...................................................................................................


Miscellaneous ..................................................................................


Schneider Electric Network Management Device IP

Configuration Wizard

The Network Management Device IP Configuration Wizard is a Windows

application designed specifically to remotely configure the basic TCP/IP settings of

Network Management Cards. The Wizard runs on Windows® 2000, Windows

2003, Windows Vista, Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008, Windows

Server 2016, Windows 8, Windows 10 and Windows 2012. This utility supports

cards that have firmware version 3.X.X or higher and is for IPv4 only.

Note: In firmware version AOSv6.8.2 and higher:

The Network Management Device IP Configuration Wizard only supports the

discovery of unassigned devices.

You cannot search for assigned devices already on the network using an IP range

unless you enable SNMPv1 and set the Community Name to "public". For more

information on SNMPv1, see the User Guide.

When the NMC IP address settings are configured, to access the NMC Web UI in a

browser, you must update the URL from http to https.

The Wizard is available as a free download from the APC website at .


to /shop/tools/software-firmware and select Wizards and

Configurators from the Filter by Software/Firmware drop-down list.

on the Download button to download the Network Management

Device IP Configuration Wizard.

Schneider Electric

35 rue Joseph Monier

92500 Rueil Malmaison –


Phone: + 33 (0) 1 41 29 70 00

As standards, specifications, and design

change from time to time, please ask for

confirmation of the information given in this


© 2022 Schneider Electric. All rights reserved.

Network Management Card 2 (NMC2) for Modular PDU/RPP Affected Revision Levels

Affected Revision Levels




Network Management Card Operating

System & TCP/IP Stack for Hardware

Platform version 05

Application for Modular PDU/RPP

PowerNet(R) SNMP Management

Information Base (MIB)


For details on upgrading the network management card firmware, see the user's

guide on the SE website ().

AOS & TCP/IP Stack Modifications




Application for Modular PDU/RPP

PowerNet(R) SNMP Management

Information Base (MIB)

Security Notifications/Disclosure

Security Vulnerability Fixes:

•This release includes remediations for various vulnerabilities which include

multiple cross-site scripting vulnerabilities, potential disclosure of non-sensitive

data (debug file), and account manipulation by administrator-level or higher


Known Issues in This Version

3 communication and monitoring on some third-party SNMP

management tools such as ManageEngine OpManager does not work


ing large groups of event actions by severity may cause an unexpected

network interface restart.

and Read-only users were getting disable after upgrade to

6.8.2 f/w. This is due to the fact that user database is completely

different from the 6.8.2 user database

2 990-5789J

AOS & TCP/IP Stack Modifications (apc_hw05_aos_) Network Management Card 2 (NMC2) for Modular PDU/RPP

New Features and Enhancements

Version 7.0.4 includes the following updates:

SSL self-signed certificate “Valid To” year has been changed

from 2022 to 2035.

NOTE: If you are currently using an internally generated self-signed

certificate and wish to extend its use past 2021, you will need to

delete the current certificate and reboot the NMC to allow a new

internally generated certificate with the “Valid To year of 2035 to be


t added for creating users via the configuration file

(). A set-only keyword has been added in the

[SystemUserManager] section, “CreateUser”, which allows a

user account to be added to the system.

NOTE: You cannot delete or edit a user via this method.

DHCP option added in the Web UI and CLI to allow the user to

determine if they want the NMC to retrieve the vendor-specific file

again after subsequent DHCP leases are assigned.

Bugs Fixed in This Version

Addressed security vulnerabilities.


Network Management Card 2 (NMC2) for Modular PDU/RPP Application for Modular PDU/RPP (apc_hw05_xrdp2g_)

Application for Modular PDU/RPP




Network management card OS & TCP/

IP Stack

PowerNet(R) SNMP Management

Information Base (MIB)

See AOS & TCP/IP Stack Modifications (apc_hw05_aos_), page 2 for a list

of modifications and enhancements that affect this application version.

Known Issues in This Version

No new known issues in this release.

New Features and Enhancements

No new application features for Modular PDU/RPP in this release.

Bugs Fixed in This Version

Inconsistency in reporting of Breaker Open Alarms for 3-pole tied breakers during

a power outage recovery is resolved.

4 990-5789J

Miscellaneous Network Management Card 2 (NMC2) for Modular PDU/RPP


Recovering From a Lost Password

See the User's Guide on the SE website () for instructions on how to

recover from a lost password.

Event Support List

For the event names and event codes for all events supported for a currently

connected APC device, first retrieve the file from a configured Network

Management Card.

To use FTP to retrieve the file from a configured Network Management


a connection to the Network Management Card, using its IP Address:

ftp> open

on using the Administrator user name and password.

ve the file containing the settings of the Network Management

Card of the PDU.

ftp> get .

The file is written to the folder from which you launched the FTP.

In the file, find the section heading [EventActionConfig]. In the list of

events under that section heading, substitute 0x for the initial E in the code for any

event to obtain the hexadecimal event code shown in the user interface and in the


For example, the hexadecimal code for the code E0033 in the file (for the

event "System: Configuration change") is 0x0033.

Powernet MIB Reference Guide

NOTE: The MIB Reference Guide, available on the SE website (),

explains the structure of the MIB, types of OIDs, and the procedure for defining

trap receivers. For information on specific OIDs, use a MIB browser to view

their definitions and available values directly from the MIB itself. You can view

the definitions of traps at the end of the MIB itself (the file is

available for download from the SE website, ).

HASH Signatures

Hash signatures for the upgrade utility as follows:

MD5 Hash: 2187bb6ce15644217ff0487b356f2683

SHA-1 Hash: 4ec4ce433cacb0ca935d190b95cb83624ee0cdc9

SHA-256 Hash:








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