Personal space英文演讲稿短
We all know personal space is very important to everyone in our daliy life.
Most people value their personal space and when their personal space is
encroached ,they will feel discomfort, anger, nervous or anxiety . Permitting a
person to enter personal space and entering somebody else's personal space are
indicators of perception of the relationship between the people. However, in
nowadays society, especially in crowded urban counties, it is quite difficult to
maintain personal space.
In our reaserch , we found something about the personal space between
salesclerks and average distance in this setting, I think it should be
divide into two parts. When customers went into a shop, they wanted to buy
something then they needed help of salesclerks, at this time, the personal space
was quite close. Because they needed the suggestion or guide. But sometimes
they just wanted to look everything by yourself. The personal space should keep a
fit distance that made them feel comfortable. When the salesclerks come too close
the customers, the customers felt discomfort, they would tell the salesclerks that
they did not need help, the close distance made them anxious and asked the
salesclerks hold off. If the salesclerks didn't listen to them, they would leave the
shop. The reaction showed that if customers need the personal space, the
salesclerks should give them the enough space to shopping. Following customers
and making them discomfort just make them flee the shop. Also we found the
culture appear to be a factor in personal space. In America, the salesclerks and
customers always kept a distance. Because American people value personal space.
But in China, when customers are shopping, the salesclerks always like following
them. somatimes it will make people angry or anxious. There are many gender
differences in the use of space. The shopping style of men is quick and exact. Men
do not like looking around a thing for a long time, sowhen they want to buy
something, they need the salesclerks' suggestion, so they can find the thing they
need quickly. Men's space can be more smaller. Women always like buying thing
through contrast. And they like shopping with friends or spouse. So they really do
not like salesclerks violating their personal space.