第三方检测机构检测禁用物质要求Version 2_20150506

第三方检测机构检测禁用物质要求Version 2_20150506

2024年4月29日发(作者:我的apple id)


Requirement for prohibited substance testing to third-party institution


Requirement for prohibited substance testing to third-party institution




In order to ensure prohibited substance testing by third-party institution is unify and qualified,

forward the requirement to the third-party institution.

2.要求 Requirement

2.1 收样要求 Sample Requirement

 只接收零件样品进行禁限用物质测试,不接收原材料(粒子、样条、样片等)进行检测。

 The Third-party testing institution can only accept sample of part and assembly for experiment, not

raw materials such as particle piece particles.

 零件样品拆解到均一材质进行测试;当拆解后均一材质数量不足时,允许提供同批次零件进行补充测


 Sample should be disassembled by homogeneous material to test. Suppliers can provide the same

batch parts to testing if the homogeneous material of one part is not enough to tested.

 在零件样品拆解成均一材质的过程中,如遇不明确之处,向一汽-大众提出审核申请。

 If anything is not clear during the dismantling process, apply to FAW-VW for auditing.

 一汽-大众供应商送检的零件,检测完成后,封样保存3个月。

The sample provided by supplier should be saved for 3 months after testing

2.2 测试要求 Testing Requirement

 严格按照实验标准,对均一材质进行禁限用物质进行检测。

 The Third-party testing institution should test the homogeneous material according to the testing

standards strictly .

 相同零件号,不同颜色,视为差异零件,分别进行禁限用物质检测。

The parts with same part number but different color should be tested separately.

 带有镀层的零件,测试前首先确认镀层材料的厚度、密度等信息,并针对镀层与基材分别进行测试,


 The Third-party testing institution should determine the coating information(such as the thickness

area and density ) when the part with coating,and test the coating and base material separately.

 若检测零件属于GB/T 30512附录A中规定的豁免范围(忽略豁免期限),在进行正常检测的同时,

需要将检测结果汇总到附件三《GB/T 30512豁免范围中的零部件有害物质测量结果汇总表》。

一汽-大众汽车有限公司 | 中国长春安庆路5号 | 邮编:130011

电话:+ 86 431 8599 0114 | 传真:+ 86 431 8599 0130 |

FAW-Volkswagen Automotive CO., LTD. | No.5 | Anqing Road | Changchun | P.C. 130011

T + 86 431 8599 0114 | F + 86 431 8599 0130 |

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Requirement for prohibited substance testing to third-party institution

 Gather the test results in the attachment 3 < The sheet for the components/parts and material with

the exception of Annex A attached in GB/T 30512> if the parts belong to the Exemptions of GB/T

30512 Annex A.

 供应商提供一汽-大众出具的《同材质申请表》(见附件二),第三方检测机构核实送检样件与《同材质



 The Third-party testing institutions can Issue reports without testing, only if the supplier provide

(see attachment 2) offered by FAW-VW and the sample is in line

with the . Lable the number of

on the test report.

2.3 报告要求 Report Requirement


Details of the Test Report please see attachment I.

2.3.2 分发Distribution

 第三方检测机构汇总归档日常检测报告,并于每月的最后一个工作日将一汽-大众供应商送检的零件检


 The Third-party testing institutions collect and manage the testing reports every month, and send

the PDF testing reports to FAW-VW Material Technology Center(@) at

the last work day of every month.

 第三方检测机构汇总《GB/T 30512豁免范围中的零部件有害物质测量结果汇总表》,并于每月的最后


 The Third-party testing institutions send the attachment 3 < The sheet for the components/parts and

material with the exception of Annex A attached in GB/T 30512> to FAW-VW ELV Group

(@) at the last work day of every month.

2.4 其他要求 Other


The Third-party testing institutions should comply with the Secrecy Law of FAW-VW.

3. 实验标准 Test Standards

 禁用物质控制标准:GB/T 30512-2014 《汽车禁用物质要求》

Standard: GB/T 30512‘Requirements for prohibited substances on automobiles’

 VW 91101 《有毒有害物质要求》

VW 91101‘requirements for prohibited substances on automobiles’

 3.2 检测标准 Testing method

 QC/T 941-2013 《汽车材料中汞的检测方法》

QC/T 941-2013‘Test methods of mercury in automobiles materials’

一汽-大众汽车有限公司 | 中国长春安庆路5号 | 邮编:130011

电话:+ 86 431 8599 0114 | 传真:+ 86 431 8599 0130 |

FAW-Volkswagen Automotive CO., LTD. | No.5 | Anqing Road | Changchun | P.C. 130011

T + 86 431 8599 0114 | F + 86 431 8599 0130 |

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