




Many people enjoy travelling through wild and deserted landscapes, but few expect to end up

in a genuine of survival situation. The unexpected occasionally happens, however, so you

should be prepared. Imagine finding yourself in the middle of a wilderness with a broken-down

jeep and hardly and food and water. What should your priorities be? Should you stay with your

vehicle and hope to be rescued? Or should you search for civilisation and risk getting even

more lost? Should you spend time searching for water or food first? Or should you postpone

worrying about food and water until you have managed to find or build a shelter? If you are

not sure, keep reading - this article could save your life!

Priority 1 Shelter

Do not put off (make) a shelter - it should be your first priority.

Try (enlarge) an existing, natural shelter, such as a hole in the ground below a fallen

tree. If you happen (be) near a rocky coast, build a shelter and cover it with wood

from the beach. I you are on the move, stop (build) your shelter while it is still light.

Priority 2 Water

If you fail (find) water, you will only survive for about three days (whereas you can

survive for weeks without food). If there is no rain, try (walk) through vegetation early

in the morning to collect moisture in clothing.

Avoid (drink) water that looks or smells bad.

Priority 3 Fire

Fire has many uses. It makes food more appetising. If you can't face (eat) raw worms,

boil them in water to make a nourishing soup! Fire protects against dangerous animals, since

many will not dare (approach) it. And you can also use it for signalling to rescuers -

before they give up (look) for you !

Priority 4 Food

It is quite easy to get food in teh wild, if you know where to look. Many survival books suggest

(eat) a small amount of unknown plants to test if they are poisonous. However, we do not

recommend (do) this, since some plants are so poisonous that even a very small

amount can cause serious health problems.

Use of English

1. Phrases a and b can complete sentences 1-6 below, with similar meanings. Choose the

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correct preposition for each phrase, using a dictionary if necessary.

1) Many teenagers are Internet chat rooms.

a. addicted on / to

a. at / in danger of

a. full of / with

b. hooked on / to

b. at / in risk of

b. covered of / with

b. the cause of / for

2) People who smoke are developing serious health problems.

3) The streets in the town centre are litter.

4) Nobody knew his strange behavior at the restaurant.

a. the reason of / for

not .

a. in / of agreement

b. in / of the same opinion

6) To be truly a great artist you cannot be failure.

a. frightened with / of b. worried about / of

2. Choose the correct prepositions to complete a-i.

a. My girl friend arrived at/to the cinema ten minutes late.

b. Whether progress is always a good thing depends of/on your point of view.

c. People usually dress in/with colourful clothes at carnivals.

d. The protests have had no effect on/to the government.

e. Madonna is married to/with a film director.

f. This shirt was made with/by hand.

g. The film 300 is based in/on a true story.

h. Australians are very good at/in many sports.

i. Some websites are popular all across/over the world.

3. Read the text quickly, ignoring the gaps, to find out why some people think Cute Knut

should not have been allowed to live.

Everyone loves Knut. The three-month-old polar bear, born in (0) one of Berlin’s

zoos, has become a star in the German capital and has won fans (1) over the world.

It’s impossible not to adore the little guy, right? Well, not quite. Animal rights activists

aren’t so in love (2) the polar bear baby. They are concerned that Knut, who is

being raised by human hand after his mother rejected him, is (3) danger of losing

touch with his natural identity. Some people (4) like to see him dead. “Raising a wild

animal (5) hand is against animal welfare laws,” animal rights activist Frank Albrecht

told the press. ‘The zoo needs to kill the bear cub,’ he added. Unsurprisingly, this view

5) The head teacher wanted to introduce school uniforms, but most of the teachers were

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