允许 allow permit
指控 accuse charge indict impeach
联合 alliance coalition
缓解 ease alleviate comfort mitigate minimize erode
滞留 strand
煽动 seduce
封锁 blockade
广阔的 extensive comprehensive
吸引 attract appeal to
打击 smash hit crush punch
激活 activate start arouse move
故障 malfunction fail break down
抢劫 strip
使容易 facilitate promote make it easy speed up accelerate
效用 utility usefulness
增加增强 promote increase rise mount intensify
expand extend enhance reinforce advance ascend 减少 decrease descend
decline contract 答应 vow to promise pledge
拒绝 reject rejection refuse
能力 capacity ability
永久的 permanent constant persistent
扯开 tear apart
要求 clamor to do claim for demand for
优点 缺点 asset/ advantage liability/
利用 capitalize make use of take advantage of utilize 民众
grassroots civilians mass public
评价 evaluate (evaluation) assess (assessment) 保证 v. Pledge
guarantee swear give ones oath give ones vow stipulate
n. pledge guarantee assurance
陷入僵局 no immediate word without progression deadlock standoff
纪念 commemorate commemoration celebrate celebration observe
observance remember
条约 公约 convention treaty protocol agreement 透露 unveil reveal
建议 v. proposal suggestion advice
n. propose suggest advise put forward 消灭 eradicate eradication
wipe out root out eliminate
恐慌 distress panic
捐赠 donate donation give away contribute 因为 because in that now
界限 sideline boundary
遵守 honor abide by follow obey accord with 忽视 defy(藐视) ignore
违反 defy break fight against
聚集 converge gather cluster combine merge 同意 agree agreement
endorse endorsement approve approval advocate vote
反对 disagree object objection veto deny decline 阻止 prevent from
protect from stumble from 获得acquire derive from
解决 deal with cope with be confronted with 面对 face the challenge
confront challenge 承诺 promise make a commitment to sth
寻求 request for seek for
差距加大 broaden the gap deepen the gap
建立在。。。。基础之上 be built on be on the platform 经历 go
through experience
有利于 be beneficial to in the service of benefit from
生气的 be mad at be angry with 实行 take carry out implement 好 good
sound healthy excellent 意识到 recognize realize aware of 经济基本面是好
的 our economic fundamentals are good
Our economy is basically good
Great considerably
Do register its positive turns
experience commit
被。。。所吸引 something fascinate you/ attract/ be captivated
So accordingly
私下解决 under the table/ secretly 解决 settle solve
新闻发布会 press release
岁数大 too far from the cradle 经济回升 boost
利润率 profit margin
开始 start embark on
面面相觑 stare at each other
吸取教训 draw from the lesson
Lesson can be drawn from 、
防止 avert prevent
明显高于 considerably
经济的大起大落 dramatic economic downturn
扭转下滑局面 curb downward trend
胜任 be proficient in doing sth./ be competent to do 叶公好龙 lord
ye’s love of dragon----professed love of what ones really fear
侵犯,扰乱 intrude disturb interrupt
转变 shift transition change
下降 slump tumble decrease slow down slide downturn shrink decline
增长 increase surge balloon
强 robust growth sharp downturn
发展 develop expand go forward leap forward boom 保障 guarantee
safeguard ensure
参与 be engaged in take part in
遵守 adhere to conform to
提高 improve promote enhance
引用 cite quote mention
丰富的 rich/sufficient/ abundant 大量的 / adequate
抵抗 combat resist
缓解 alleviate reduce relieve defuse
防范 prevent guard against
能力 capability做某件事情必须具备的基本能力competence有了这种能力可
恶化 degenerate deteriorate
由于 stem from results from 造成冲击 shock attack inflict on affect