1. Greeting a colleague:
- Good morning/afternoon, Daniel. How are you today?
2. Starting a conversation at work:
- Daniel, I wanted to discuss the new project that we have been
assigned. Do you have a few minutes to talk?
3. Making a suggestion:
- Daniel, I have an idea that might benefit our team. What if we
implement a new communication tool to streamline our workflow?
4. Giving feedback:
- Daniel, I appreciate your effort on this report. However, I think
we could improve it by including more data and analysis.
5. Negotiating with a client:
- Daniel, I think we can offer a more competitive price if the client
agrees to a longer contract term. What do you think?
6. Discussing deadlines:
- Daniel, we need to meet the project deadline by the end of this
week. Let's coordinate our tasks and make sure we stay on track.
7. Seeking clarification:
- Daniel, I'm not entirely clear about the instructions for this task.
Could you please explain it again?
8. Organizing a meeting:
- Daniel, I believe it would be beneficial for our team to have a
meeting to discuss the upcoming project. Can we schedule it for
9. Presenting a proposal:
- Daniel, I've prepared a proposal for the new marketing campaign.
Can I have your feedback on it before presenting it to the
10. Congratulating a colleague:
- Daniel, congratulations on your promotion! Well-deserved and
I'm sure you will excel in your new role.