how clever are you? how do we measure intelligence? where
did your intelligence come from? scientists now believe that our
genes strongly influence how our brain develops. we inherit our
genes from our parents. in other words, we inherit our
intelligence from our parents. this does not mean that we cannot
do anything to develop ourselves. each of us must decide how to
use our brains and how to develop our skills.
scientists have studied sets of identical twins. they have
found that certain areas of the brain are strongly influenced by
our parents, and that these areas influence intelligence. identical
twins have almost identical brains. when they did tests,scientists
found that identical twins had very similar scores in tests with
numbers, words, shapes and memory. this was not true with non-
identical twins, or brothers and sisters; they had great differences
in their test scores.
however, our success as adults is not simply a matter of how
clever we are. our ability to work with other people is also
important. in addition, our determination, confidence and our
courage also play important parts. we may inherit our
intelligence from our parents but we must decide how to live our
own lives. we cannot blame our parents!
there is one area where our parents can help us. when we are
children, they can provide us with a stimulating environment in
which to live. this will help to develop our brains and develop our
confidence. if parents encourage their children to listen to music,
to play a musical instrument, to play
with puzzles, to draw pictures and to read books, then their
children are likely to become more intelligent. remember that
when you become a parent!