Unit 1
Word list:
1. affirm
6. inherit
2. contribute
4. endowment
5. excessive
10. project
: observe/ apply/involve/handle/occur/pursue
s , idims and expressions
be dependent on
contribute to
freedom from
be independent from
define sth. as
from a background
be prejudiced against
for certain
happen to
inherit from
have a romantic relationship with
over the years
rebel against
in one’s sixties
perceive sb./sth. as
relate to
react to
separate from
accept the consequence
apply knowledge
design a machine
encourage the young people
evaluate knowledge
influence the environment
make good grades
pursue a college education
: -ject
acquire new ways
affirm personal values
assemble information
choose one’s own wardrobe
develop skills
determine one’s daily agenda
enter the work world
gather information
establish one’s sexual identity
handle personal finances
interpret life
internalize one ’s religious faith
process knowledge
question these morals
project the future role
select one’s major
show respect for
1) four uses of the conjunction while
2) parallel structure
ground information
1) author
2) Eric H. Erikson
3) some technical terms: developmental changes/ identity crisis/ functional, attitudinal and
psychological independence/ internalizing religious faith
8 Text structure and the main idea of this
passage w questions about the text.
2) What do you think the author is trying to say in this essay? What are the main points he is trying
to make? Who is he addressing himself to?
3) Has the author said anything that strikes you as interesting and thought-provoking? Anything
that you feel worth remembering?
1) What’s your overall impression of this essay?
4) Do you totally agree with the author? Is there anything about which you don
with him?
’tsee eye to eye
5) Has this essay in some way roused your interest in pursuing this subject? What would you like
to find out?
6) What do you think of the language and style of this essay?
1) Antithesis
2) Developing paragraphs by examples
1) Has it ever dawned on you that certain developmental changes will occur in your life as you
move from adolescence to young adulthood? (1)
identity is determined by genetic endowment (what is inherited from parents), shaped by
environment, and influenced by chance events. (2)
3) It may be heightened by their choice to pursue a college education. (3)
4) First, there is functional independence, which involves the capability of individuals to take care
of practical and personal affairs, such as handling finances, choosing their own wardrobes, and
determining their daily agenda. (4)
5) During the course I had come to realize that while my world was expanding and new options
were opening for me, my father, who was in his sixties, was seeing his world shrink and his options
narrow. (6)
6) These religious, moral, and ethical values that are set during the college years often last a