Accepted for publication in Human-Computer Interaction
Automating Human-Performance Modeling at the
Millisecond Level
Alonso H. Vera
NASA Ames Research Center & Carnegie Mellon University
Bonnie E. John
Carnegie Mellon University
Roger Remington
NASA Ames Research Center
Michael Matessa
NASA Ames Research Center
Michael A. Freed
NASA Ames Research Center
Corresponding Author’s Contact Information:
Dr. Alonso H. Vera
Mail Stop 262-4
NASA Ames Research Center
Moffett Field, CA 94035
Accepted for publication in Human-Computer Interaction
Brief Authors’ Biographies:
Alonso Vera is a Cognitive Scientist with an interest in human performance modeling
tools; he is faculty at Carnegie Mellon and a Senior Research Scientist at NASA Ames
Research Center where he leads the HCI Group. Bonnie John is an Engineer and
Cognitive Psychologist with an interest in modeling as a usability assessment method;
she is a Professor in the Human Computer Interaction Institute at Carnegie Mellon
University. Roger Remington is a Cognitive Scientist with an interest in basic cognitive
processes; he is a Senior Research Psychologist and heads the Cognition Group at NASA
Ames Research Center. Michael Matessa is a Cognitive Scientist with an interest in
communication and modeling; he is a Research Psychologist at NASA Ames Research
Center. Michael Freed is a Computer Scientist with an interest in cognitive architectures
and autonomy; he is faculty at the Institute for Human and Machine Cognition and a
Senior Research Scientist at NASA Ames Research Center where he leads the Intelligent
Architectures group.