这些是历史上销量最高的八个欧美RPG系列。 也可以看看这些欧美RPG系列的昨日,今天,
2,上古卷轴系列(Bethesda)-1000万+(主要销量集中在3,4两代, 上古卷轴3之前的作品销量
4,辐射系列(Black isle/Bethesda)-500万+(主要销量集中在辐射3,辐射3销量目前约480万)
8, 魔法门系列(New World Computing)-300余万
■ 此Top20排名中出现的游戏截至2003年,来自RPGDot的玩家投票。基本涵盖了自90年
■ 此贴由ff5dq4(好ID,不是么)原发于Gamespot中文论坛,引发了不错的讨论。原帖
点此:最受关注的单人RPG 游戏 排行(骨灰RPG玩家进)
Most Anticipated Single Player RPG | 最受关注的单人欧美RPG排行
1 《上古卷轴3:晨风》 The Elder Scrolls III Morrowind 833
2 《辐射》 Fallout 511
3 《哥特王朝II》 Gothic II 478
4 《异域镇魂曲》 Planescape: Torment 383
5 《辐射2》 Fallout 2 349
6 《博德之门II:安姆的阴影》 Baldur's Gate II Shadow of Amn 337
7 《哥特王朝》 Gothic 312
8 《地下城之战》(又译:星之宿命) Arx Fatalis 281
9 《创世纪VII:黑暗之门》 Ultima VII: The Black Gate 269
10 《巫术8》 Wizardry 8 216
11 《神界》 Divine Divinity 188
12 《上古卷轴3:血月》(晨风资料片) The Elder Scrolls III Bloodmoon 181
13 《地牢围攻》 Dungeon Siege 171
14 《无冬之夜》 Neverwinter Nights 171
15 《奥秘:蒸汽与魔法的世界》Arcanum - Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura 147
16 《上古卷轴3:审判席》(晨风资料片2) The Elder Scrolls III Tribunal 141
17 《突出重围》 Deus Ex 138
18 《创世纪VII 第二部:巨蛇之岛》 Ultima VII Part Two: Serpent Isle 134
19 《卡米洛之黑暗纪元》Dark Age of Camelot 116
20 《博德之门》 Baldur's Gate 113
特》和《地下城之战》都是德国人的作品。Arx Fatalis最早的开发组仅有四人。完全发布时
另外 Dark Age of Camelot 算是一款特例。图形Mud的名作。
Demon’s Souls(恶魔之魂)
Platform(s): PlayStation 3
Release Date: Oct. 6th, 2009
Developer: From Software
Demon's Souls, brought to you by From Software, was one of 2009's biggest surprise
hits. The gritty atmosphere, extremely challenging combat, and inventive online
elements found a widespread appeal the developers never saw coming.
Dragon Age: Origins(龙腾世纪:起源)
Platform(s): PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC
Release Date: Nov. 4th, 2009
Developer: BioWare
BioWare has been on a roll this console generation, creating two of the top Western
RPGs as of late - Dragon Age and Mass Effect. Dragon Age: Origins is a refinement
of the classic BioWare formula. While this list is primarily focused on consoles,
by all accounts the PC version is the only way to play Origins.
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion(上古卷轴4)
Platform(s): PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC
Release Date: Mar. 20th, 2006
Developer: Bethesda Softworks
Second only to BioWare, Todd Howard's team over at Bethesda Softworks represent the
other half of top tier Western RPGs - Elder Scrolls and Fallout. The fourth iteration
in the Elder Scrolls series, Oblivion, was the first real taste gamers got this
generation of what an RPG could be in the HD era.
Fallout 3(辐射3)
Platform(s): PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC
Release Date: Oct. 28th, 2008
Developer: Bethesda Softworks
Fallout 3 is the revitalization of the revered Fallout series of RPGs on PC. Bethesda
brought the franchise to a new audience that was captivated by its moral choices,
post apocalyptic setting and successful implementation of first-person shooter
mechanics - a steady stream of downloadable content didn't hurt.
Final Fantasy XIII(最终幻想13)
Platform(s): PlayStation 3, Xbox 360
Release Date: Mar. 9th, 2010
Developer: Square Enix
Final Fantasy has been a staple of RPGs since its inception over two decades ago.
Final Fantasy XIII had the burden of carrying the fate of the Japanese RPG,
experiencing declining popularity in the West. The game was praised for its gorgeous
presentation and robust combat system, while criticized for its slow progression
and strictly linear design. In the end, XIII was a commercial and critical success.
Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core(最终幻想7:核心危机)
Platform(s): PlayStation Portable
Release Date: Mar. 25th, 2008
Developer: Square Enix
A prequel to Final Fantasy VII, Crisis Core on the PSP struck a chord with fans hungry
for more from VII's universe. The game pushed the processing power of the PSP,
producing fluid combat and impressive graphics. Unlike other Final Fantasy VII
spin-offs, Crisis Core did its source material justice.
Lost Odyssey(失落的奥德赛)
Platform(s): Xbox 360
Release Date: Feb. 12th, 2008
Developer: Mistwalker
Lost Odyssey received a great deal of attention when it launched on Xbox 360 in 2008
largely thanks to the involvement of Hironobu Sakaguchi, creator of Final Fantasy.
Fortunately, the game (for the most part) lived up to expectations with a moving
story and high production values. Some of the shamelessly traditional combat
mechanics were less well received.
Mass Effect 2(质量效应2)
Platform(s): Xbox 360, PC, PlayStation 3 (Jan 2011)
Release Date: Jan. 26th, 2010
Developer: BioWare
Another BioWare epic, Mass Effect 2 represents the pinnacle of what an action RPG
should be. The combat mechanics were refined from its predecessor, making for a much
more user friendly experience. Coupled with the well though out and engaging
characters, dialogue options and major plot points, Mass Effect 2's execution was
Tales of Vesperia(TOV)
Platform(s): Xbox 360
Release Date: Aug. 26th, 2008
Developer: Namco Tales Studio
Tales of Vesperia at first glance appears like it took every JRPG trope out of the
book for its story, but for fans of the genre, Tales of Vesperia (and the series
in general) excellently de-constructs them in a way which feels incredibly unique.
The game's action-based battle system, a mix of traditional RPG elements and fighting
game aspects such as the publisher's Tekken franchise, also help to create a very
impressive game.
Valkyria Chronicles(战场挖个雷)
Platform(s): PlayStation 3
Release Date: Nov. 4th, 2008
Developer: Sega Wow
Much like Demon's Souls, Valkyria Chronicles was a sleeper hit in the West - so much
so that Sega didn't have enough copies to meet demand. The game's unique graphics
engine, which was able to produce a watercolor art style, was very appealing. In
addition, the inventive turn-based combat system was able to successfully implement
realtime actions, making for an experience unlike anything in the genre.
Honorable Mentions:
Dragon Quest IX
Eternal Sonata
Fable II
Mass Effect
Demon’s Souls(恶魔之魂)恶魔的灵魂(恶魔之魂)。
Platform(s): PlayStation 3游戏平台(s):3
Release Date: Oct. 6th, 2009发布日期:10月6日,到2009年
Developer: From Software从软件开发者
Demon's Souls, brought to you by From Software, was one of 2009's biggest surpr
ise hits.恶魔的灵魂,带到你的软件,是一种从2009年最大的惊喜。The gritty atmospher
e, extremely challenging combat, and inventive online elements found a widespre
ad appeal the developers never saw coming.坚毅的气氛,极富挑战性的战斗,发明的在
Dragon Age: Origins(龙腾世纪:起源)龙腾世纪龙的年龄:原始起源)。
Platform(s): PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC平台(s):希望、360,PC
Release Date: Nov. 4th, 2009发布日期:11月四日,2009年
Developer: BioWare确定开发者。
BioWare has been on a roll this console generation, creating two of the top Wes
tern RPGs as of late - Dragon Age and Mass Effect.确定一直这一代,创建两个控制台
的西部的rpg的年龄和群众的效果——龙。Dragon Age: Origins is a refinement of the
classic BioWare formula.年龄:起源是龙的精致古典确定公式。While this list is pri
marily focused on consoles, by all accounts the PC version is the only way to p
lay Origins.虽然这个清单主要集中在控制台,PC版是唯一的方式打球的起源。
Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion(上古卷轴4)上古卷轴4:湮没(上古卷轴4)。
Platform(s): PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC平台(s):希望、360,PC
Release Date: Mar. 20th, 2006发布日期:2006年20,2002
Developer: Bethesda Softworks贝:Softworks开发者
Second only to BioWare, Todd Howard's team over at Bethesda Softworks represent
the other half of top tier Western RPGs - Elder Scrolls and Fallout.仅次于确
定,托德·霍华德的团队在贝Softworks代表一半的顶级西方的rpg -上古卷轴和尘。The f
ourth iteration in the Elder Scrolls series, Oblivion, was the first real taste
gamers got this generation of what an RPG could be in the HD era.第四次迭代在
Fallout 3(辐射3)3(辐射3落尘)。
Platform(s): PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC平台(s):希望、360,PC
Release Date: Oct. 28th, 200810月28日发布日期:2008年
Developer: Bethesda Softworks贝:Softworks开发者
Fallout 3 is the revitalization of the revered Fallout series of RPGs on PC.三
是落尘实现中华民族伟大复兴的崇敬风波的rpg PC机系列产品。Bethesda brought the fr
anchise to a new audience that was captivated by its moral choices, post apocal
yptic setting and successful implementation of first-person shooter mechanics -
a steady stream of downloadable content didn't hurt.把球队参加一个新的听众,被
Final Fantasy XIII(最终幻想13)《最终幻想》(最终幻想13第十三章)。
Platform(s): PlayStation 3, Xbox 360平台(s):希望、360
Release Date: Mar. 9th, 2010发布日期:2002第九名,2010年
2010-8-29 20:55
折JB天使 9楼
Developer: Square EnixEnix开发商:广场
Final Fantasy has been a staple of RPGs since its inception over
two decades ago.最终幻想已成为主要的rpg自成立以来在两年前。Fina
l Fantasy XIII had the burden of carrying the fate of the Japane
se RPG, experiencing declining popularity in the West.最终幻想的
第十三章已经负担的命运,体验日本的RPG游戏。衰退的声望The game wa
s praised for its gorgeous presentation and robust combat syste
m, while criticized for its slow progression and strictly linear
性,其进展缓慢,并严格线性设计。In the end, XIII was a commercial a
nd critical success.最后,第十三章是一个商业和成功。
Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core(最终幻想7:核心危机)最终幻想七:危
Platform(s): PlayStation Portable平台(s):玩电脑游戏移植
Release Date: Mar. 25th, 2008发布日期:2002 25日
Developer: Square EnixEnix开发商:广场
A prequel to Final Fantasy VII, Crisis Core on the PSP struck a
chord with fans hungry for more from VII's universe.有一部《最终
幻想,核心危机的PSP打动了球迷更多的渴望从七世的宇宙。The game pus
hed the processing power of the PSP, producing fluid combat and
impressive graphics.这个游戏的处理能力,推动的PSP、产液的战斗和令
人印象深刻的图形。Unlike other Final Fantasy VII spin-offs, Crisi
s Core did its source material justice.不像其它最终幻想VII分立、
Lost Odyssey(失落的奥德赛)“(失落的奥德赛)。
Platform(s): Xbox 360平台(s):前面
Release Date: Feb. 12th, 2008发布日期:2月12日
Developer: MistwalkerMistwalker开发者。
Lost Odyssey received a great deal of attention when it launched
on Xbox 360 in 2008 largely thanks to the involvement of Hirono
bu Sakaguchi, creator of Final Fantasy.“收到大量的精力投放在它前
面要归功于在2008年的创造者,周康荣译,《最终幻想。Fortunately, the
game (for the most part) lived up to expectations with a moving
story and high production values.幸运的是,这个游戏(大部分)住在预
期和感人的故事情节和高产的价值观。Some of the shamelessly traditi
onal combat mechanics were less well received.一些无耻地减少传统
Mass Effect 2(质量效应2)质量效应2肿块效应(2)。
Platform(s): Xbox 360, PC, PlayStation 3 (Jan 2011)平台(s):360、P
Release Date: Jan. 26th, 2010发布日期:1月26日,在2010年
Developer: BioWare确定开发者。
Another BioWare epic, Mass Effect 2 represents the pinnacle of w
hat an action RPG should be.另一个确定史诗,肿块效应的顶峰2代表什
么动作RPG应。The combat mechanics were refined from its predeces
sor, making for a much more user friendly experience.战斗力学是
精制而成,它的前身,为使更多的用户友好的经验。Coupled with the well
though out and engaging characters, dialogue options and major
plot points, Mass Effect 2's execution was masterful.再加上迷人
Tales of Vesperia(TOV)Vesperia(TOV)的故事。
Platform(s): Xbox 360平台(s):前面
Release Date: Aug. 26th, 20088月26日发布日期:2008年
Developer: Namco Tales Studio开发商:纳木措故事工作室
Tales of Vesperia at first glance appears like it took every JRP
G trope out of the book for its story, but for fans of the genr
e, Tales of Vesperia (and the series in general) excellently de-
constructs them in a way which feels incredibly unique.传说中的V
e game's action-based battle system, a mix of traditional RPG el
ements and fighting game aspects such as the publisher's Tekken
franchise, also help to create a very impressive game.这个游戏的
Valkyria Chronicles(战场挖个雷)Valkyria方志中(战场挖个雷)。
Platform(s): PlayStation 3游戏平台(s):3
Release Date: Nov. 4th, 2008发布日期:11月4日
Developer: Sega Wow开发商:世嘉喔
Much like Demon's Souls, Valkyria Chronicles was a sleeper hit i
n the West - so much so that Sega didn't have enough copies to m
eet demand.就像鬼的灵魂,Valkyria史》在西方的卧铺,以致世嘉没有足够
的拷贝,以满足需求。The game's unique graphics engine, which was a
ble to produce a watercolor art style, was very appealing.这个游
戏的独特的图形引擎,它能产生水彩艺术风格,非常吸引人。In addition,
the inventive turn-based combat system was able to successfully
implement realtime actions, making for an experience unlike anyt
hing in the genre.此外,本发明回合战斗系统才能够顺利实现实时的行
Honorable Mentions:其他优秀奖。
Dragon Quest IX龙的任务
Eternal Sonata永恒的奏鸣曲》
Fable II第二寓言,
Mass Effect肿块效应