May 2008, Volume 5, No.5 (Serial No.53) Sino-US English Teaching, ISSN1539-8072, USA
Study on classroom activities in children English class
YANG Mei-jun
(School of International Studies, Xi’an Jiaotong University, Xi’an 710049, China)
Abstract: Though classroom activities in children English class have been studied by many scholars, there is
a lack of real class investigation and analysis on this subject. Combining the observations of classroom activities
in a real children English class with the interviews with the child students and the teacher in that class, this paper
presents various classroom activities used in real children English class. Among all the activities of greetings and
free conversations, guessing new words, pair or group work, games, songs, chants, making stories and
competition, child students prefer games, role play, making stories, and competitions, in which children can take
the initiatives; while the teacher favors greetings, guessing new words, role play, and group work. The problem of
the activities that children students like the most is that they may cause some disturbance in class. To solve this
problem, the author thinks that these activities are better to be put at the end of the class.
Key words: children English; classroom activity; preference
1. Introduction
With the prevailing heat of English studying, many Chinese children begin to learn English at an early age.
However, different from adult English learners, children usually lack the autonomy in language learning.
Therefore, their major learning is completed during English class. Thus it requires the children English class to be
informative, effective, and at the same time interesting enough to catch children’s attention. To achieve the above
effects, classroom activity is a crucial point to decide if one class is successful or not. Nowadays, the strategies of
classroom activities in children English class are being widely studied by many scholars, and a number of guiding
theories have been proposed.
LIU Chen thinks that classroom activities should be closely related to the content and aim of the teaching. At
the same time, it should enable all the child learners to be actively involved. He believes that classroom activities
should be designed to enhance children’s English ability in listening, speaking, reading, and their ability to
produce language output. XU Gui-xiang maintains that proper classroom activities can help set up children’s
confidence in English learning, and at the same time lay a foundation in the future language learning and
communication. He points out that classroom activities should include real body movement so that students can
learn English naturally through listening, speaking and playing. QIAO Guang-pin and WANG Dao-mei provide
several feasible options for classroom activities at the beginning of a class like greeting, singing, games, free talk,
watching films or programs, speaking chants. They believe in these ways, students’ interests are aroused, and a
harmonious environment is created. ZHANG Shu-yan provides a five-step model in children English: leading in,
presenting, imitation, drilling, and application. She thinks that classroom activities should be conducted in
YANG Mei-jun (1983- ), female, graduate student of School of International Studies, Xi’an Jiaotong University; research fields:
ESP, translation studies, discourse analysis, systemic functional linguistics.
Study on classroom activities in children English class
accordance with the five steps. ZHU Xiao-lin discusses one specific aspect of classroom activity—group
cooperation. She argues that the group cooperation can provide every child a chance to participate in the class. In
addition, she thinks the group work can both facilitate the English learning and develop children’s sense of
cooperation and competition. When children watch and listen to what other group members do, they can learn
from others’ strong points to offset one’s weakness.
All these studies have provided enough guidance in classroom activities. However, there is still a lack of
analysis on the feasibility of the classroom activities in real classes. Besides, their studies are more theoretical
than practical, therefore, need to be applied and tested in practice. Without implementation and evaluation, it is
quite difficult to decide whether the methods discussed above are really practical in the children English’s
classroom. Moreover, some methods are probably more favored by the teachers instead of students. Therefore, the
purpose of this paper is to investigate the classroom activities in real children English class, and find out which
kind of activities are preferred by teachers, and which are more favored by children learners. By such an
investigation, the author tries to analyze the problems existing in the classroom activities in children English
teaching, and provide some suggestions.
2. Research questions
In this paper, the following questions are being addressed:
(1) What are the classroom activities adopted in real children English class?
(2) Whether there is any difference in the preference of classroom activities between teachers and children
English learners. If there is, then which classroom activities are preferred by the teacher and which are more
favored by children English learners? And what are the probable reasons for the difference in the preference of
types of classroom activities between teachers and children English learners?
(3) Whether there are some problems in the classroom activities. How to solve the problems?
3. Methodology
The class being investigated is provided by a private children English training school. The teacher of the
class is very experienced with more than 20 years’ experience in primary school English teaching. There are
totally 14 children in the class aged from 11 to 13 years old and they are mainly in grade five or six in their
primary schools. Each week there are two meetings in that class: on Tuesday from 7 to , and on Sunday
from 8 to Each meeting is divided into two 55-minute individual sections. That is to say, for each week,
they have 4 sections of class with each section lasting for 55 minutes. The book used in class is Look, listen, and
learn compiled by L.G. Alexander and translated by DAI Wei-dong. Most of the students in that class have already
studied for one year under the guidance of this teacher, and each member in the class is quite familiar with others.
The method adopted is a combination of class observation and interviews with the teacher and students.
Totally, ten consecutive weeks of their class are observed, which consist of forty sections. And after five weeks’
observation, brief interviews with each student were made; the teacher of this class was also interviewed.
The focus of the class observation is on the classroom activities carried out in each class. And the interview
with the students is mainly on their preference for certain classroom activities. The interview with the teacher of
each class is a little more complex, involving the following aspects: