新视野大学英语读写教程(第三版)Book2 Unit 3课文讲解
Section A
Journey through the odyssey years Background information tion
groups in the west
Generation gaps,referring to difference between young people and their
elders,especially between children and their parents,have often been
attributed to rapid cultural change,particularly musical tastes,fashion,culture
and politics. Some special terms for different generations have thus been coined
in English-speaking countries:
Generation Jones:A term used to describe the generation born right after
World War || in 1945 through 's usually identified with “baby
boomers”.Key characteristics assigned to these members are less optimism,
distrust of
government,and generally used to refer to people born in the
generation marks the period of birth decline after the baby boom. The
generation was pushed toward adulthood at an age earlier than any other recent
generations. They are more ethnically diverse and better educated than the baby
Generation Y:Also known as the Millennial Generation and many of them
are children of baby boomers .Their birth years range from the early 1980s to the
early 's generally marked by an increase use and familiarity with
communications,media,and digital technologies.
Generation Z:Also known as the net or the internet Generation. In the US
and other Western nations,it is a common name for the people born from the
mid.1990s or early 2000s through to the present. This generation has spend their
entire life with the World Wide Web and high tech gadgets.
odyssey years
The term odyssey years originated from The odyssey,a long poem by the
Greek author Homer,which is a sequel of the Greek hero,Odysseus. It describes
Odysseus's long journey,trying to return home from adventures and war.
For English speakers,as many as for many cultures,the very name of poem,
The Odyssey,has become a special term for an epic journey,or great struggle.
The man character in the epic poem(史诗),Odysseus,was wandering away
from home and loved ones. During his journey of 10 years,he encountered
repeated troubles and challenges. The key insight in Odyssey is that the essentials
of the journey are not only outward struggle against tremendous difficulties,but,
more importantly,inward struggles leading to personal growth. His journey is