The rural professional economic associationappeared
frequently in people's vision or about in recent years.
The rural home way and the competition of small-scale
production increasingly prominent contradiction between big
marketthis is from the association triggers.
The dispersion management and small scalebackward in
technologyinformation accessdifficult to resist the market risk in
the competition nature voluntary organization by
farmersand self managementto the service of new folk
organization- -the rural professional economic association is
The rural professional economic association is intrinsic
demand triggered by the farmersthe rural native up in rural
organization ofthis is the rural professional economic association
life ore heilongjiang province deputy head of civil
administration office outand saidwe have to respect the
farmer's choicerespect the rural professional economic
association folk attributeits managementmust hold to farmers
since the establishmentthe voluntary willself developmentrun by
the local people to manageand the principle of the benefitsno
arranged do will modefarmers need to what kind of
associationcan try examplecan make technical
servicesuch as jixian county abundant music town east village
watermelon association was establisheddue to increasing the
production technologyand to make their "board room" brand
watermelon sales 60 million kilogramsthe value of 36 million
yuan7000 yuan per capita income make test of the
cooperative businesssuch as HaiLunShi LianFa township
following beef association is established by 20 members of the
cooperationthe association belong in the market following beef
cattle big volume of more than 20000and amounted to hundreds
of millions of can do WeiHuXing industry
interestssuch as xingkai lake cows association aimed at the local
several dairy enterprise "pressure milk qualitydrag milk
endowment"and relevant enterprises coordinate many
timesfinally solve the default information and pressure of milk
milkmilk back $156000 endowmentmaintain the milk of the
rights of the y is to let farmers through the practice
to find the most suitable do meeting mode.
People can not leave agriculture as they can't leave the
t the agriculturewhat we can eat for?All food is from
the as rice wheat and vegetablesetc.
Then we can conclude from the above that the most
important thing of agriculture is it providing the people the most
important and necessary all know without food equals
no oreagriculture is great helpful for the lives.
Besides the foodthe agriculture can offer the materials which
are used in ry is an important field for the whole
economics level of one agriculture can show one
country's can say without industryone country can
not become a developed Countrybut if without the
agriculturethis country can extinct from this earth.
Sowe can't look down the importance of the
should improve itprotect it forever.