1. 正职头衔翻译法
1) 用chief来表示的职衔
总司令 Commander-in—chief
总编辑 Editor-in—chief
总参谋长 chief of General Staff
总工程师 Chief Engineer
总会计师 Chief Account
总建筑师 Chief Architect
总裁判 Chief Referee
图书馆馆长 Chief Librarian
主任秘书 chief secretary
主治医师 chief/ attending doctor
首席法官 Chief Judge
检察长 Chief Procurator procuratorate 检察院 The Supreme Procuratorate of PRC
总裁/首席执行官 Chief Executive Officer 首席财务官 Chief Financial Officer
首席记者 Chief Correspondent
首席谈判代表 Chief Negotiator 入世首席谈判代表: Chief Negotiator of China’s WTO Entry
Negotiation 龙永图
部:ministry 司厅:department 局:bureau处:division 科:section
司厅/局/处/科长 Chief / head / director of the Department / Bureau / Division / Section
县/区/乡/镇长 County / District/ Township乡 / Town镇 Chief / Head
2) 用general表示的职衔
总书记 General Secretary of Communist Party
检察长 Procurator—general
审计长 Auditor-general
秘书长 Secretary-general
总领事 Consul[’kɔnsəl]—general 领事馆:consulate [ˈkɔnsjulit] 大使:ambassador 大使
总经理 General Manager; managing director
总教练 Head coach
总厨 Head Chef
护士长 Head nurse
村长 Village Head
列车长 Head of a train crew
4) 用president表示的职衔
国家主席 President
中国科学院院长 President of the Chinese Academy of Science
最高人民法院院长 President of the Supreme People’s Court
(大学)校长 President (中小学校长 principal; headmaster)
中国人民银行行长 President / Governor(州长; 主管; 总督; 董事) of the Chinese People’s
Bank 周小川
协会/学会/理事会会长 President of an association / society / council
Consul['kɔnsəl]领事 / counsel[ˈkaunsl]劝告,忠告, counselor['kaʊnslə]顾问,律师,辅导员
/ council[ˈkaunsl]理事会, 委员会, 商议
人大常委会委员长 NPC(National People's Congress) Chairman
政治协商会议主席 CPPCC(Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference)Chairman
中央军委主席 Chairman of the Central Military Commission
政党主席 Chairman of a political party
公司董事长 Chairman of the Board of Directors
大学系主任 Chairman/Dean/Head of a department
6) 用director表示的职衔
主任 Director / Director-General
总政治部主任 Director of the General Political Department
办公厅主任 Director of the General Office
亚洲司司长 Director of the Department of Asian Affairs
总干事 Director-General
人民日报社社长 Director of the People’s Daily
编译局局长 Director of the Compilation and Translation Bureau
研究所所长 Director of a research institute
博物馆馆长 Director of a museum
7) 用Commissioner表示的职衔
行/公署专员 commissioner
自治州州长 commissioner
公安局局长 Police Commissioner
8) 用senior表示的职衔
高级工程师 Senior Engineer
高级编辑 Senior Editor
高级讲师 Senior Lecturer
9) 用executive表示的职衔
执行主席 executive chairman 代理:acting
执行秘书 executive secretary
10) 用senior表示的职衔
高级编辑senior editor
高级工程师senior engineer
资深翻译senior translator
11) 其他
总理 Premier; Prime Minister
国务委员 State Councilor 国务院:State Council
部长 Minister
省长 Provincial Governor
顾问 Advisor
特使 envoy / special envoy [’envɔi]
特级教师senior teacher of special grade
特派记者accredited correspondent
特约编辑contributing editor
2 副职头衔翻译法
1)与前缀vice搭配的头衔(president, premier, chairman, minister, governor.。。)
副主席 Vice Chairman
副总理 Vice Premier
副部长 Vice Minster
副领事 Vice Consul
副省长 Vice Governor
副校长 Vice Principal
2) Deputy搭配的职衔 (chief, head, mayor, director, secretary。。。)
副市长 Deputy/Vice Mayor
副书记 Deputy Secretary
副秘书长 Deputy Secretary—general
副检察长 Deputy Chief Procurator
副参谋长 Deputy Chief of Staff
副处/科长 Deputy Division / Section Chief
副教授 Associate Professor
副研究员 Associate Research Fellow
副主任医师 Associate Senior Doctor
4) 与assistant搭配的职衔
副总经理 assistant/deputy general manager
大堂副经理 assistant manager
助理工程师 assistant engineer
助理教授 assistant professor
3 “兼”“代理”“名誉”的翻译方法
1)“兼”的翻译方法:在主职和兼职之间加上and concurrently (兼;同时发生地;一致地)
上海市委书记兼市长 Party Secretary and concurrently Mayor of Shanghai
代主席 Acting President
代市长 Acting Mayor
3)“名誉”有时用honorary,有时用emeritus (荣誉退休的)
名誉主席 Honorary Chairman
名誉校长 Emeritus President