ceo(chief executive officer)首席执行官
coo(chief operations officer)首席运营官
cfo(chief financial officer)首席财务官
cio(chief information officer)首席信息官
hrd(human resource director)人力资源总监
od(operations director)运营总监
md(marketing director)市场总监
om(operations manager)运作经理
pm(production manager)生产经理
(product manager)产品经理
gm(general manager)总经理
vp(vice president)副总裁
fvp(first vice president)第一副总裁
avp(assistant vice president)副总裁助理
use scnd for field names relating to number two in a countable series
use ss for field names relating to a duration of time expressed in seconds
ceo(chief executive officer)首席执行官
coo(chief operations officer)首席运营官
cfo(chief financial officer)首席财务官cio(chief informati
on officer)首席信息官
hrd(human resource director)人力资源总监
od(operations director)运营总监