violation(违反) incorporate(吸收) for instance(例如) impartially(公正的)
hamper(妨碍 阻碍)underlie(成为….的基础) abuse(滥用) display(展示)
reputation(名声) approve(赞成)
1. We will incorporate your suggestion in this new plan.
2. The heavy rain hampered the flow of traffic yesterday.
3. She displays no emotion on the witness stand.
4. The restaurant has a good reputation.
5. I promise I will handle the matter impartially.
6. Williams abuses his position as mayor to give jobs to his
7. She thought they would approve of the idea.
8. We say that this was a violation of the agreement between us .
9. We will also visit some museums , for instance the forbidden
10. This is the basic principle that underlies all of the party’s
option(选择权) subscriber(用户) individual(个别的,单独的)original(起初的,
transaction(交易) take root(生根)
1. Cable television companies have launched major
campaigns to increase their number of subscribers.
2. The big company merged various small businesses.
3. The ideas of parents usually take root in their children.
4. We’ve discussed all the marketing options and decided to
go for television advertising.
5. The original settlers in North America are the Indians.
6. The company’s new car is based on an environmentally
friendly concept.
7. She has her own individual style of doing things.
8. The company is out to capture the European market.
9. We use the hall for multiple purposes.
10. In order to conclude the transaction, we accept your
franchise(特许经营权) philosophy(理念,哲学) brand(品牌)release(推出,
1. What is your favorite brand of electronic dictionary
2. California has many immigrants from other states.
3. We need to write dedicated computer programs
specifically designed for the task.
4. Our customer’s philosophy is to listen to our customers
and make them satisfied.
5. Weigh out all the ingredients before you start making
the cake.
6. He runs his sandwich chain as a franchise operation.
7. The new trade figures have just been released.
8. From his earliest years he showed exceptional ability in