比较定理 the comparison theorem
A Note on Comparison Theorems for Nonnegative Matrices
In Riemannian geometry it is a traditional name for a number of theorems that compare various
metrics and provide various estimates in Riemannian geometry.
Rauch comparison theorem relates the sectional curvature of a Riemannian manifold to
the rate at which its geodesics spread apart.
Toponogov's theorem
Myers's theorem
Hessian comparison theorem
Laplacian comparison theorem
Morse–Schoenberg comparison theorem
Berger comparison theorem, Rauch–Berger comparison theorem, M. Berger, "An
Extension of Rauch's Metric Comparison Theorem and some Applications", llinois J.
Math., vol. 6 (1962) 700–712
Berger–Kazdan comparison theorem [2]
Warner comparison theorem for lengths of N-Jacobi fields (N being a submanifold of a
complete Riemannian manifold) F.W. Warner, "Extensions of the Rauch Comparison
Theorem to Submanifolds" (Trans. Amer. Math. Soc., vol. 122, 1966, pp. 341–356).
Bishop–Gromov inequality, conditional on a lower bound for the Ricci curvatures (R.L.
Bishop & R. Crittenden, Geometry of manifolds)
Lichnerowicz comparison theorem
Eigenvalue comparison theorem
Cheng's eigenvalue comparison theorem
See also: Comparison triangle
Lyapunov comparison theorem
qualitative analysis of large scale dynamical systems