1. 近在咫尺 (just around the corner)
例句:There is a great coffee shop near our office. It's
just around the corner.
2. 就近找 (look for the nearest)
例句:If you need a pharmacy, just look for the nearest one.
There should be one within walking distance.
3. 近在眼前 (right in front of one's eyes)
例句:I searched for my keys for hours, only to realize they
were right in front of my eyes on the kitchen counter.
4. 最近的 (the closest)
5. 近郊地区 (the outskirts)
例句:We often go hiking on the outskirts of the city to
enjoy nature and escape from the hustle and bustle.
6. 就近注册 (enroll in a nearby location)
例句:If the university campus is far away, students can
choose to enroll in a nearby location for convenience.
7. 近似 (approximately)
例句:The price of the house is around $200,000, give or
take a few thousand dollars.
8. 近年来 (in recent years)
例句:In recent years, the popularity of online shopping has
increased significantly.
9. 近年来的地震活动 (recent seismic activity)
例句:Scientists have been studying the causes and
consequences of the region's recent seismic activity.
10. 近期内 (in the near future)
例句:We are planning to expand our business in the near
future by opening new branches in other cities.