1. Export (出口) - The act of selling and shipping goods to a
foreign country.
2. Import (进口) - The act of buying and receiving goods from a
foreign country.
3. Trade balance (贸易平衡) - The difference between a country's
exports and imports.
4. Tariff (关税) - A tax or duty imposed on imported goods.
5. Quota (限额) - A limit or restriction on the quantity of goods
that can be imported or exported.
6. Free trade (自由贸易) - The unrestricted exchange of goods and
services between countries without the imposition of tariffs or other
7. Customs (海关) - The government agency responsible for
regulating the flow of goods into and out of a country.
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8. Trade deficit (贸易逆差) - The situation when a country's
imports exceed its exports.
9. Trade surplus (贸易顺差) - The situation when a country's
exports exceed its imports.
10. Dumping (倾销) - The practice of selling goods in a foreign
market at a price below the cost of production.
11. Letter of credit (信用证) - A document issued by a bank
guaranteeing payment to a seller.
12. Bill of lading (提单) - A document issued by a carrier that
confirms receipt of goods for shipment.
13. Incoterms (国际贸易术语解释) - A set of standardized trade
terms used in international contracts.
14. FOB (离岸价) - Free on Board, a term indicating that the
seller is responsible for goods until they are loaded onto a ship.
15. CIF (成本加运费加保险费价) - Cost, Insurance, and Freight, a
term indicating that the seller is responsible for the cost of goods,
insurance, and freight.
16. EXW (工厂交货价) - Ex Works, a term indicating that the buyer
is responsible for picking up goods at the seller's factory.
17. Certificate of origin (原产地证书) - A document that
certifies the country in which goods were produced.
18. Import duty (进口税) - A tax imposed by a country on imported
19. Export subsidy (出口补贴) - Financial assistance provided by
a government to encourage the export of goods.
20. Non-tariff barrier (非关税壁垒) - A restriction on trade in
the form of quotas, licensing requirements, or technical standards.
21. World Trade Organization (世界贸易组织) - An international
organization that oversees global trade rules and resolves trade
22. Intellectual property rights (知识产权) - Legal protection
for inventions, trademarks, copyrights, and other intellectual
23. Trade agreement (贸易协议) - A formal agreement between two
or more countries that determines the terms of trade between them.
24. Free trade agreement (自由贸易协定) - An agreement between
countries to eliminate tariffs and other barriers to trade.
25. Regional trade agreement (区域贸易协定) - An agreement
between countries in a particular geographical region to facilitate
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26. World Bank (世界银行) - An international financial
institution that provides loans and grants to support development
27. International Monetary Fund (国际货币基金组织) - An
international organization that promotes global monetary cooperation
and provides financial assistance to countries in need.
28. Exchange rate (汇率) - The rate at which one currency can be
exchanged for another.
29. Currency devaluation (货币贬值) - A decrease in the value of
a country's currency relative to other currencies.
30. Currency appreciation (货币升值) - An increase in the value
of a country's currency relative to other currencies.