华为E180 在windows 7 RTM下的使用(Using HuaWei E180 on windows 7 RTM)

华为官方尚未推出针对Windows 7平台的E180驱动,在windows 7 X86上使用E180的首要解决的问题即是驱动的安装问题。 A.在windows 7 X86上安装华为E180自带XPVISTA驱动并使

华为官方尚未推出针对Windows 7平台的E180驱动,在windows 7 X86上使用E180的首要解决的问题即是驱动的安装问题。

A.在windows 7 X86上安装华为E180自带XP/VISTA驱动并使其正常工作的方法如下:


2.以windows vista with sp2的兼容模式运行DataCard_Setup.exe,安装驱动程序。



5.打开“开始”菜单中的Devices and Printers,然后再双击打开HUAWEI Mobile,点击“Hardware”,此时会出现一个硬件的列表,若在此列表中出现了HUAWEI Mobile Connect - 3G Modem,则表明E180驱动已经安装成功。



B.在windows 7 X86上安装好E180后,如何使用E180进行宽带拨号

因为驱动与程序的原因,华为E180自带的拨号程序无法在windows 7上正常使用,但是我们可以利用系统自身的拨号功能进行拨号。

1.进入Control Panel-->Network and Internet-->Network and Sharing Center,

2.点选 Setup a new connection or network

3.选择Setup a dial-up connection

4.选择HUAWEI Mobile Connect - 3G Modem

5.在Dial-up phone number中填入*99#

6.最后在connection name里边填入预想的名字,也就是给这个链接取个名字

7.最后点击Connect,至此,我们完成了E180在windows 7上的安装和正常使用。



经测试,该驱动在windows 7 X64下能完美的工作,但前提也是以Windows Vista With SP2的兼容模式安装DataCard_Setup64.exe



For english users:


A. How to install the HuaWei E180 Driver on windows 7 x86 RTM ?


1. Plug the E180 into the computer's usb port.

2. Run the "DataCard_Setup.exe" in the windows vista (Service Pack 2) compatible mode to install the driver.

3. Reboot the computer.

4. After the reboot, the computer seems to install the driver continually and pops some failure information(No problem,that's ok).

5. Goto "Control Panel/Hardware and Sound/Devices and Printers", double click the "HUAWEI Mobile",click the "Hardware" tab , to see if the item "HUAWEI Mobile Connect - 3G Modem" is in the hardware list. If the driver installation was successfully finished, the "HUAWEI Mobile Connect - 3G Modem" item would be in the hardware list.



B. How to use the HuaWei E180 in windows 7 x86 RTM after successfully installed the driver ?


1. Goto "Control Panel-->Network and Internet-->Network and Sharing Center";

2. Choose "Setup a new connection or network";

3. Choose "Setup a dial-up connection";

4. Choose "HUAWEI Mobile Connect - 3G Modem";

5. Input "*99#" in the "Dial-up phone number" text box;

6. Set up a name for the link in the "connection name" field.

7. Click "Connect",just enjoy the internet.


This card can also work in Windows 7 X64, The key point is that you install the driver(DataCard_Setup64) in Windows Vista With Sp2 mode.The HuaWei Dial-up application works perfectly in Windows 7 X64.





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