重置edge 命令_如何在Windows 10中重置Microsoft Edge

重置edge 命令 Microsoft Edge is still in its early days, and occasionally, problems can arise. If you find that Edge is expe

重置edge 命令

Microsoft Edge is still in its early days, and occasionally, problems can arise. If you find that Edge is experiencing slow performance, crashes, or the weird appearance of adware, toolbar, or popups, then you may have to reset Microsoft Edge.

Microsoft Edge仍处于起步阶段,偶尔会出现问题。 如果您发现Edge的性能下降,崩溃或广告软件,工具栏或弹出窗口的外观怪异,则可能必须重置Microsoft Edge。

Resetting Microsoft Edge is not like resetting other browsers, however. Edge is a part of the Windows operating system, and cannot be uninstalled. There are different ways to tackle this problem, but you should try the basic methods first.

但是,重置Microsoft Edge不同于重置其他浏览器。 Edge是Windows操作系统的一部分,无法卸载。 解决此问题的方法有很多,但是您应该首先尝试基本方法。

通过其设置重置Microsoft Edge (Reset Microsoft Edge Through Its Settings )

Open the “Settings” menu by clicking the three horizontal dots in the upper right corner of the Edge window and choose “Settings.”


Under Clear browsing data, click “Choose what to clear” and then click “Show more.” There are a lot of data types here. Select them all and click “Clear.” Restart your PC and re-open Edge for a clean slate.

在清除浏览数据下,单击“选择要清除的内容”,然后单击“显示更多”。 这里有很多数据类型。 全部选中它们,然后单击“清除”。 重新启动计算机,然后重新打开Edge以获取干净的状态。

通过系统文件检查器修复Microsoft Edge (Repair Microsoft Edge Through System File Checker )

Microsoft Edge is a core component of Windows 10, not a separate app. If the error is caused by file corruption or something similar, Windows’ System File Checker tool (sfc.exe) might be able to fix the problem. You can run a full system scan with the System File Checker by right-clicking the Start menu, selecting “Command Prompt (Admin)”, and running the following command:

Microsoft Edge是Windows 10的核心组件,而不是单独的应用程序。 如果错误是由文件损坏或类似原因引起的,则Windows的系统文件检查器工具(sfc.exe)可能能够解决该问题。 您可以通过右键单击“开始”菜单,选择“命令提示符(管理员)”,然后运行以下命令,使用系统文件检查器运行完整的系统扫描:

sfc /scannow

For more information on running System File Checker commands, check out our guide on the subject. If the SFC command fails to fix the problem, then try the more advanced DISM command or System Update Readiness Tool described in our guide. Restart your PC and hopefully Microsoft Edge should work properly.

有关运行“系统文件检查器”命令的更多信息,请参阅有关该主题的指南 。 如果SFC命令无法解决问题,请尝试使用更高级的DISM命令或本指南中介绍的系统更新准备工具。 重新启动PC,并希望Microsoft Edge可以正常工作。

通过PowerShell重置Microsoft Edge (Reset Microsoft Edge Through PowerShell )

If the above methods don’t work for you, you may have to go nuclear. This PowerShell command will delete and re-register the core data of Microsoft Edge. Make sure you perform a full backup and/or create a system restore point before continuing in case anything goes wrong. This is very important, and do not continue before creating a backup!

如果上述方法对您不起作用,则可能必须采取核措施。 此PowerShell命令将删除并重新注册Microsoft Edge的核心数据。 在继续进行操作之前,请确保执行完整备份和/或创建系统还原点 ,以防万一出现问题。 这非常重要,请勿在创建备份之前继续!

First, navigate to the following folder and clear everything inside it:



(Replace %username with your own username.)

(用您自己的用户名替换%username username。)

Next, right-click on the Start menu and choose “Windows PowerShell (Admin)”. Copy and paste the following code inside PowerShell and press Enter:

接下来,右键单击“开始”菜单,然后选择“ Windows PowerShell(Admin)”。 将以下代码复制并粘贴到PowerShell中,然后按Enter:

Get-AppXPackage -AllUsers -Name Microsoft.MicrosoftEdge | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml” -Verbose}

If the process was completed successfully, you should see a message like this:


When you open Microsoft Edge next time, you will see that it has been reset to default. If you encounter any error, type the following command to get the first few logged events:

下次打开Microsoft Edge时,您会看到它已重置为默认值。 如果遇到任何错误,请键入以下命令以获取前几个已记录的事件:

Get-Appxlog | Out-GridView

Note the error code in the log and proceed with the following link from MSDN knowledgebase.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek/237527/how-to-reset-microsoft-edge-in-windows-10/

重置edge 命令





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