1. ex
将某人暴露于某事之中 expose sb, to sth.
开拓某人的视野 broaden/enlarge/extend one’s horizon/vision/view
扩展某人的事业 extend/broaden/expand one’s business
解释某人的问题 solve/deal with/cope with one’s problem
期待某人的改变 expect one’s change
文化交流 cultural exchange
大讲堂的出口 exit of auditorium
贸易出口的增加 the increase/development of exportation
表达某人的期待 express one’ expectation
制作某种炸药 make/produce a kind of explosive
排除某人于。。。之外 exclude sb out of sw.
发明挖掘机 invent excavator
开除某个学生 expel a student
2. pect, spect, vis, view
期待某人的消失(disappearance)expect one’s disappearance
怀疑某人所某事 suspect sb doing sth
激动的观众 excited spectators
壮观的景色 spectacular view/vision/scene
对某人表示尊重 show respect to sb
回顾历史 review history
一次对腐败的巡查 an inspection on corruption
预习课文 preview article
一次工作面试 a job interview
复习一篇文章 review a passage/article/text
隐形的伤害 invisible damage
做一次复习 have a revision
想象未来的场景. Visualize the future
3. duce, duct
介绍一项产品 introduce a product
生产一种挖掘机 produce an excavator
减少杀虫剂的使用 reduce/lessen the use of insecticide
引诱一只雌性昆虫 seduce a female insect
推导出某个理论 deduce a theory
一名雄辩的指挥家 an eloquent conductor
一条加长的水管 a lengthened aqua-duct
4. dict, logue loqu log
预测未来 predict future
反驳某个理论 contradict a theory
雄辩的独裁者 an eloquent dictator
有趣的对话 an interesting dialogue
善辩的领导 an eloquent leader
5, cept, ceive
6. lect
7. um
8. audit
9. plet,plete
slogan of a sport meeting
receive an invitation
receive a message
conceive a plan
conceive a baby
perceive one’s talent on chemistry
except that
select a challenge
collect an information
elect a president
neglect a message
a spectacular stadium
a colorful aquarium
an exquisite auditorium
a natural museum
auditory damage
an audition about educational reform
an auditorium ruined by the flood
complete a speech
complete a survey
deplete the energy
耗尽自然 deplete the nature
耗尽资源 deplete the resource
10. cide
杀虫剂的使用 use of insecticide
杀虫剂的伤害 use of pesticide
自杀 commit suicide
一个恐怖的杀人犯 a horrible/terrifying homicide
一项残忍种族屠杀 a cruel genocide
除草剂的效果 the effect of herbicide
11. pel pul
推进船只 propel the boat
开除一名职员 expel a worker/employee
排斥这种杀虫剂 repel this insecticide/pesticide
被迫做某事 be compelled to do sth
12. rect
指明某人去往某地的路 direct one’s way to sw.
改正某人的态度 correct/rectify one’s attitude
正方形 rectangle
三角形 triangle
改正某人的态度、理论、猜想、假设 rectify one’s attitude/assumption/theory/hypothesis
13. rupt
爆发某人的愤怒 erupt one’s anger
使某人腐败 corrupt sb
A与B的决裂 rupture between A and B
宣布破产 announce bankrupt
打断某人的交流 disrupt/distract/interrupt one’s communication
扰乱某人的思路 interrupt/distract/disrupt one’s thinking/idea/perception/thought
14. en
增长某人的词汇量 enlarge/broaden/extend/expand one’s vocabulary
扩增某人的财富 enlarge/extend/broaden/expand one’s fortune/wealth/richness
鼓励某人做某事 encourage sb to do sth.
开拓某人的视野 enlarge/extend/broaden/expand one’s horizon/vision/view
恶化某人的病情 worsen one’s illness/disease
减少某物的伤害 lessen/reduce the damage of sth
加强A与B 之间的联系 strengthen the tie/link/relationship between A and B.
丰富某人的经历 amplify/enrich one’s experience
放松管理 loosen the management/regulation
给某个软件编码 encode an application
强力执行某项法律 enforce a law
15. cred
信用卡 credit card
尊称某人为现代科学之父 accredit sb as the father of modern science
一项不可思议的发现 an incredible finding/ discovery
一个轻信他人的傻子 a credulous fool/idiot
16. tract
吸引某人到某地 attract sb to sw
将黄金从地里抽取出来 extract gold out from the land
收缩某人的肌肉 contract one’s muscle
分散某人的注意力 distract one’s attention
17. ate
挖掘地下的宝藏 excavate the underground treasure
调查真相 investigate the truth
捐赠大笔财富 donate large fortune
激励民众去买房 motivate/simulate people to buy house
证明某项事实 demonstrate a truth
揣测临近的危机 speculate a coming/approaching crisis
将A与B 联系起来 relate/associate A with B
集中注意力于某事上 concentrate on sth
评估这家公司的价值 evaluate this company
刺激经济的发展 stimulate the economic growth
18. 小测词汇汇总
一项空缺的的职位 a vacant job/ a job vacancy
逃避战争 escape/avoid the war
某种存在形式 a kind of existence
一个绝望的地方 a desperate place / a place in despair
设计一部广告 design an advertisement
19. ify
20. vac vacu
a failed applicant
Jo noted with amazement
the shortage of accommodation
the boss is not available
struggle to do sth
feel superior
appear nervous
Realize/perceive that
be suitable for sb
identify a specie
protect an endangered animal
unify the whole China
correct/ rectify one’s attitude
magnify an effect
amplify the content
classify some species
beautify a photo
a job vacancy/a vacant position/job
enjoy a vacation
create a vacuum
evacuate from a city
21. trans
运输货物到北京 transport goods to Beijing
移植心脏给某位病人 transplant a heart to a patient
一项成功的交易 a successful transaction
传送一条信息 transmit a message
换乘五号线地铁 transfer to Line 5
被改造为一台挖掘机 be transformed to an excavator
22. sym sim sem
一个富有同情心的人 a sympathetic person
一次精彩的交响乐 a wonderful/great/excellent/brilliant symphony
与恐龙化石相像 resemble the remains/fossils of dinosaurs
模仿人类的行为 simulate human behavior
与。。。。相似 be similar with
组装汽车 assemble automobile/cars/vehicles
军队集队 army/military assembly
差异与共同点 differences and similarities
23. Ise/ize
组织一场活动 organize an activity
总结一篇文章 summarize an article/passage/text/composition
意识到背单词的重要性 realize the importance of memorizing words
分化了所有人的观点 polarize all’s views/opinions
某个城市的现代化进程 the modernization of a city
使中文全球化 globalize Chinese
24. press
压缩容器里的液体 compress the liquid in the container
压制关于教育改革的游行示威 repress the demonstration about education reform
抑制内心愤怒的情绪 suppress one’s anger
表达内心的想法 express one’s mind,thought,idea,thinking
感到抑郁 feel depressed
25. ceed cede cess gress
超过某人的预期 exceed one’s expectation
取得了进步 make progress
生产挖掘机的流程 the process of making/producing excavator
使用过量的除草剂 use an excess of herbicide/use herbicide exceedingly
做出妥协和让步 make compromise and concession
经济衰退 economic recession
遭受衰退 suffer from regression
26. com co col con
与一位同事交流 communicate with a colleague/workmate/coworker
与留学生合作 cooperate/collaborate with exchange students
一位公司的共同创始人 a co-founder of a company
签一项合同 sign up a contract
提及一项常识 mention/come up with a common sense
收缩某人的肌肉 contract one’s muscle
浓缩玫瑰油 condense rose oil
建造一座体育馆 construct a stadium
同时期的结作 a contemporary masterpiece
共同利益 common interest
27. mal
治疗疟疾的方法 a method/way to cure malaria
电脑故障 malfunction of computer
官员的违纪 malpractice of an official
eliminate malnutrition of a poor region/area in Africa
虐待新来的成员 maltreat a new member
好心肠的老奶奶 a benevolent grandma
坏心肠的老爷爷 a malevolent grandpa
恶性肿瘤 a malignant cancer
28. bene
规律睡眠的好处 the benefit of regular sleep
良性肿瘤 a benign cancer
好心肠的同学 a benevolent classmate
教育改革的受益者 the beneficiary of education reform
29. ject
射出一颗导弹 eject a missile
反对一项政策 reject a policy
给鸭子注水 inject water into a duck
打点滴 have an injection