1. "Goodbye Chengdu, thank you for the memories."
2. "Farewell Chengdu, may our paths cross again."
3. "Leaving Chengdu, but taking a piece of its charm with me."
4. "Saying goodbye to Chengdu, a city that stole my heart."
5. "Parting ways with Chengdu, a place that will forever hold a special
place in my heart."
6. "Chengdu, it's time to bid you farewell. Until we meet again."
7. "Leaving Chengdu, but forever grateful for the experiences."
8. "Goodbye Chengdu, you will always be a part of me."
9. "Farewell to the vibrant streets of Chengdu, onto new adventures."
10. "Saying goodbye to Chengdu, a city filled with warmth and beauty."
11. "Leaving Chengdu, cherishing the memories and friendships made."
12. "Goodbye Chengdu, you will be missed more than words can
13. "Farewell Chengdu, thank you for the amazing experiences."
14. "Saying goodbye to Chengdu, a city that made me feel alive."
15. "Leaving Chengdu, but carrying its spirit wherever I go."
16. "Goodbye Chengdu, I will always treasure the moments we shared."
17. "Farewell Chengdu, until we meet again in this lifetime or the next."
18. "Saying goodbye to Chengdu, a city that showed me the true
meaning of hospitality."
19. "Leaving Chengdu, grateful for the memories and lessons learned."
20. "Goodbye Chengdu, may you continue to thrive and flourish."
21. "Farewell Chengdu, a city that will forever hold a special place in my
22. "Saying goodbye to Chengdu, but carrying its vibrant energy in my
23. "Leaving Chengdu, with a heavy heart and deep gratitude."
24. "Goodbye Chengdu, a city that will forever have my love and
25. "Farewell Chengdu, thank you for the incredible journey."
26. "Saying goodbye to Chengdu, but knowing that it will always feel like
27. "Leaving Chengdu, with a bittersweet mix of nostalgia and
28. "Goodbye Chengdu, a place that challenged, enlightened, and
enriched me."
29. "Farewell Chengdu, leaving with a heart full of fond memories."
30. "Saying goodbye to Chengdu, a city that will forever hold a special
place in my soul."