Why We Don't Need to Protect Traditional Crafts
Crafts are things that people make with their hands, like
pottery, weaving, woodcarving and stuff like that. Some people
say we need to protect traditional crafts because they are part of
our culture and history. But I don't think we really need to
protect them that much. Here's why:
First of all, a lot of those traditional crafts are just
decorations. They're pretty to look at, but we don't actually need
them for our lives today. Like weaving rugs or embroidering
fancy designs on clothes - those were useful skills in the past
when people had to make everything by hand. But nowadays, we
can just buy nice rugs, clothes and decorations from stores. We
have machines that can make those things faster and cheaper.
Plus, a lot of the traditional crafting methods are really slow
and take a lot of work. My grandma used to make these tiny
intricate designs by tying tiny knots one by one. It would take her
forever just to make one little thing! In today's modern world,
who has time for all that? We're too busy to spend hours and
hours slowly making something by hand that a machine could
pump out in five minutes.
Another reason why we don't need to protect crafts is that a
lot of them are being kept alive anyway as hobbies. My mom's
friend has this ceramics studio where she teaches people to
make pottery just for fun. And there are tons of those kinds of
hobby craft classes you can take if you want to learn traditional
methods. But those are just for leisure activities, not for actual
practical purposes.
Some people say losing traditional crafts means losing part
of our cultural heritage and identity. But I don't really buy that
argument. Our culture is so much more than just the crafts our
ancestors used to make. It's about our values, our traditions, our
festivals and customs. Even if we don't practice those old crafting
techniques anymore, we can still appreciate them in museums as
part of history. But we shouldn't get too attached to keeping
them alive if they're no longer useful or efficient in the modern
At the end of the day, I think we should let traditional crafts
die out naturally if they can't adapt to current demands and
lifestyles. It's just part of the cycle as human civilization keeps
evolving and progressing. New crafts and products that fit our
contemporary needs will emerge to replace the outdated ones.
That's how we advance as a society.
Instead of wasting efforts trying to artificially preserve fading
crafting practices, we should focus that energy on nurturing
modern skills and innovations that are actually useful for making
our lives better today. Like teaching kids coding, robotics, green
technology and other future-oriented skills. Those are the true
crafts of the new era that we need to prioritize for maintaining
our culture's vibrant evolution.
So in conclusion, while traditional crafts were valuable in the
past, I don't think they are essential enough in the present day to
put a huge effort into protecting them. We should let them
harmlessly die out if people don't organically keep those
practices alive through hobbies and cultural appreciation. Our
strongest heritage is looking forward and paving the way for the
crafts and skills of the future. What's your view on this topic? I'd
be curious to hear other perspectives from classmates and adults.
Those are just my thoughts as a kid observing these traditions
become relics as society marches on.