Enlarge Your Comfort Zone
The most common mistake people make when trying to create more
happiness in their lives is playing it too safely. By confining your range of activities
to only those you know will make you happy, you cut yourself off from exploring
parts of yourself that you may never know existed, parts that could be developed
and are simply waiting to give you pleasure.
Clearly the enemy of happiness is predictability and complacency. Living a life
is similar to running a business, and anyone who has ever had a hand in making
decisions on a daily basis about which merchandise to buy, which clients to
cultivate, which direction to head, knows the terrain. If the business does not grow,
at least in some way, it contracts, perhaps not immediately, but certainly before
long. There is no healthy business anywhere that is not growing - in vision, in
customers, in stores or outlets, and/or in its range of goods and services.
It is exactly the same with happiness. If you rely year after year on the familiar,
on the safe, on the same old tired formula, you will find your life providing you
with less and less happiness. Life needs to be revitalized, reexamined, tinged with
the excitement of the new and different.
Happiness is Individual
This is easier to overlook than you think. What makes your spouse, your
neighbor or your best friend happy will not necessarily make you happy. Although
on the face of it this is an obvious consideration, it is tempting to fall into patterns
of behaviour that do not and will not work for you simply because you cannot
resist the pressure, sometimes subtle and sometimes overt, to conform.
We all live within a network of influence that includes friends, family,
colleagues, school, and beyond these immediate influences are the nation, the
media, and the world at large. Each of these elements has expectations of us,
sometimes consistent, sometimes contradictory, but always powerful.
Yet at the same time, there is no one exactly like you, never has been, never
will be. The happiest people are those who recognize that their happiness is
happiness, not their father’s, or their Aunt Mary’s, or their boss’s, or the guy’s
on TV in the commercial telling you that brand X just won’t do the same for you
as brand Y.
The quality of my own happiness shot up like a rocket when I realized that I
didn’t have to live anyone else’s life, that what I wanted to do was valid and
legitimate, even if others found it “weird” or “unorthodox” or “radical”.
when I recognized that I did not have to play corporate politics, purchase my
happiness, or acknowledge any external limitations, I stopped living a lie.
The task in life (and that task is an exciting, marvelous, surprising experience)
is to find out who you are and
be that person
. What makes you literally jump for
joy? What gets your adrenalin pumping so that you feel like popping out of your
skin, that your cannot sit still or not share your feeling because it is so overflowing
that your own body cannot contain it? You know when it is there. You do not need
anyone to tell you how you feel about something, whether it draws or repels your,
whether it makes you deliriously happy or puts you to sleep.
If you keep your inner eye on your life, both the individual elements and the
broader whole, you will more quickly develop a sense of where you want to be,
with whom, and doing what.