题 目 订单管理系统的设计与实现
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学 院 信息工程学院
专 业 信息工程
校内指导教师 职称 副教授
二○一六 年 六月
东华理工大学毕业设计 外文翻译
MySQL and JSP Web applications
JSP developers encounter unique problems when building web applications that require
intense database connectivity. MySQL and JSP Web Applications addresses the challenges of
building data-driven applications based on the JavaServer Pages development model. MySQL
and JSP Web Applications begins with an overview of the core technologies required for JSP
database development--JavaServer Pages, JDBC, and the database schema. The book then
outlines and presents an Internet commerce application that demonstrates concepts such as
receiving and processing user input, designing and implementing business rules, and balancing
the user load on the server. Through the JDBC (Java DataBase Connector), the developer can
communicate with most commercial databases, such as Oracle. The solutions presented in
MySQL and JSP Web Applications center on the open source tools MySQL and Tomcat,
allowing the reader an affordable way to test applications and experiment with the book's
So What Is JSP All About?
If you meet the requirements mentioned, you should already have a pretty good idea what
the answer to this question is. JSP is all about doing highly object-oriented Web sites that can
leverage all the best practices of modern software engineering. These practices include things
such as SQL databases and UML-based design. This isn't to say that JSP is a cure-all and that
using it will automatically make your Web site a paragon of engineering art. It's just as possible
to design bad Web sites in JSP as with any other technology. That's why, as you go through the
text, you will see how to incorporate the best practices and how to avoid the pitfalls of
convenience when projects get stressful. JSP itself is an evolutionary step along the path that
started with the first static Web servers, moved through CGI-enabled servers, and finally the first
generation of script-enabled servers. JSP is less a Web server with a Java component than it is a
Java engine that understands the Web.
JSP grew out of Java servlets. Servlets allow the developer to handle the incoming Web
requests using a Java program that has access to all the normal information that a Common
Gateway Interface (CGI) program would. In addition, the servlet has access to session-persistent