Unit 1
[ˈæɡəni] n。extreme physical or mental pain
aunt a person。typically a woman。who XXX' ns
about their personal problems
out to assist or aid someone
down to disappoint someone by not doing what you
agreed to do or were expected to do
[stiːm] n。the hot gas that is produced when water
off steam to release one'XXX harmless way
[luːs] adj。not firmly or tightly fixed in place。not
tight or constricted
[lɪp] n。either of the two fleshy parts that form the upper
and lower edges of the opening of the mouth
[sɪŋk] vi。to go down below the surface of something。
especially of a liquid。to cause something to do this
lips sink ships XXX
[fɔːlt。fɒlt] n。a mistake or XXX or something that
makes them or it less effective or useful
e [rɪ'zɒlv] vi。to find a n to a problem or difficulty
gy [ˈstrætədʒɪ] n。a plan of n designed to achieve a
long-term or overall aim