Abstract: English double negative sentence is a kind of very special
sentence pattern in English. There have been a lot of studies on the general attitude
towards double negative sentence on its formation, translation, usages, effect and
so on. Through different sentence patterns, they can manifest particular functions
that cannot be found in general sentence or affirmative sentence. The way of
expressing a negative concept in English is quite different from that in Chinese.
Based on the analysis of the double negative sentences, for example, through their
formations, translations, usages and effects and by some typical examples of the
negative sentences, the author intends to make a further analysis on the usage and
translation of this kind of sentences in physical field and tries to summarize the
reasons why these sentences are used so frequently in this field.
Key words: English double negative sentence; usage; translation; physical
Usage and Translation of English
Double Negative Sentence in Physical Field
1. Introduction
Negation and affirmation are totally opposite twin concepts. The idea of negation is a part of
linguistics universal for almost all the languages in the world, but languages differ in ways to
accomplish negation. Complexity of forms in English to express negative meaning, disagreement
between negation meaning and negative form, difference from idiomatic expression and pattern
between Chinese and English result in the difficulties in understanding translation and negative
phenomenon in English. For these reasons, when we translate an English material for Science
and Technology Purpose, we can never be too careful in translating it. Through the meaning they
conveyed, negative sentence could be generally divided into two kinds: complete negation and
partial negation. From the structure they formed, negative sentence could mainly be divided into
two types: common negative sentence and special negative sentence. And special negative
sentence contains many different sorts, too. They are double negative sentence, transfer negative
sentence, implicit negative sentence, complete negative sentence, partial negative sentence,
continued negative sentence, suppressive negative sentence, and so on. All the negations I
mentioned above can make the translator confused easily when they come to understand or
translate them, so, in this paper I will pay special attention to one of those special negative
sentences-----double negative sentence. And this paper will concentrate on the usage and
translation of English double negative sentence in physical field.
2. General Information of English Double Negative Sentence
2.1 Introduction about Double Negative Sentence:
2.1.1 Definition:
Just as Chen Hongwei mentioned in 《英汉翻译基础》, double negative sentence is a kind
of special negative sentence which contains two negative words or a negative word and a word
or a phrase that has a negative meaning. To use negation twice in a sentence has an effect on
counteracting the negative meaning, but at the same time the mood of the whole sentence turns
to be strong affirmation.
The phenomenon of double negation exists both in Chinese and English. The primary
function of this structure is to strengthen the mood of speaking. Compared with the common
affirmative sentence, double negative sentence can add the mood of the affirmation, so,
according to what Chen Hongwei said, in my opinion, actually, double negative sentence is
negation plus negation. The basic meaning of this structure can be considered as one negation