Unit15Text A
Four Minutes That Get You Hired
To get the right job,learn to make the right impression
The 28-year-old Bay Stater spent six years working at night while she attended
college during the day. 六年来,28岁的贝·斯黛特白天上大学,晚上工作。When she finally
graduated, she wanted to get a teaching possession at a nearby elementary school in
She got an interview with the headmaster after sending a resume. 寄出简历之后,
她得到了校长给她面试的机会。 “I noticed a tiny hole in my stockings that morning,” "
那天早晨,我注意到长简袜上有个小洞,"she said. 她回忆说, “I thought about changing,
but I knew I’d be late if I did. “我想要换一双,但觉得要是换的话,就要迟到了。By the time
I got to the interview, 我到达面试地点时,the hole had stretched from my ankle to my
knee. 袜子上的小洞从脚踝一直破到了膝盖。 I walked in and immediately apologized for
not looking my best. 我进去后,立刻为自己的糟糕形象向校长道歉。 I spent the rest of
the time trying to sit in a way that he couldn’t see the hole.” 接下来,我努力坐得让校长
The likely teacher didn’t get that job. 结果,她想当老师却没有得到这份工作。 In fact,
实际上, one of her friends told her the headmaster’s only comment was: “if a person
doesn’t take the time to present her best image at an interview, what kind of teacher is she
going to be?”她朋友告诉她校长对她的惟一评价是"如果一个人在面试中不花点时间来展示
First impressions are often lasting ones. 第一印象通常是持久的。This means that if
you’re viewed positively within the first four critical minutes, 也就是说,如果你在最初的关
键四分钟内能给别人留下好印象的话,the person you’ve met will likely assume everything
you do is positive.你所遇到的这个人就很可能会以为你做事总能令人满意。
Four minutes! 四分钟!Studies tell us that’s the crucial period in which impressions are
formed by someone we’ve just met. 研究表明,就是在这关键的四分钟内,我们刚刚邂逅
的人形成了对我们的印象。Within only ten seconds, that person will begin to make
judgments about our professionalism, social class, morals and intelligence. 仅仅在十秒中
内,他就开始对我们的职业特性、社会阶层、道德品质、智力才能进行判断。People tend to
focus on what they see, on what they hear, and on our actual words.人们倾向把注意力集
Most employers believe that those who look as if they care about themselves are
more likely to care about their jobs. 大多数雇主认为那些看起来似乎在乎自己形象的人更
可能在乎自己的工作。We know “it’s what’s inside that counts,” 虽然都知道"内在品质是最
重要的", but research shows that physically attractive people are generally regarded by
employers as more intelligent, likable and creditable. 然而研究表明,雇主一般认为外表引
人注目的人更有才能、更惹人喜爱、更值得信赖。 Your goal should be to come across in the
best possible way – attractive in the way you dress, in your gestures and facial expressions
and in your speech.因此,你应该以最亮丽的形象,即用你的着装方式、手势姿态、面部表
Here’s how to make those four crucial minutes count: 下面的一些方法可以让你充分
Look your best. 展示最好的形象。 It signals success. 这是成功的信号。 Studies
have linked clothing consciousness to higher self-esteem and job satisfaction. 研究表明,
一个人的衣着意识是同他较强的自尊心和工作的满意程度成正比的。Yet many people fail to
understand the importance of presenting a professional image.然而,很多人不了解展示职
Forget about personal style. 丢掉个人风格。At work, your clothes must convey the
message that you are competent, reliable and authoritative. 工作中,衣着必须传达出你有
Dress for the job you want, not the job you have. 为想要工作着装,而不是为已有的
工作着装。If you’re to have an interview at a company you’ve never visited and aren’t sure
what to wear, 如果你要去一家从没去过的公司面试,但不知道穿什么好,send for a copy of
its annual report and study what the employees pictured are wearing, 向这家公司要一份
年度报告,研究一下照片上雇员的穿着,or drop by ahead of time to see how they dress. 或
Monitor your body language. 控制身体语言。How you move and gesture will
greatly influence an interviewer’s first impression of you. 你的一举一动都会在很大程度上
影响面试者对你的印象。In an influential study of communications, 在一项影响深远的关于
交往的研究中,psychologist Albert Mehrabian discovered that seven percent of any
message about our feelings and attitudes comes from the words we use, 心理学家阿尔伯
特·梅赫拉比恩发现:7%的情感和态度的信息来自说话时用的词语,38 percent from our
voice, 38%来自声音,and a surprising 55percent from our facial expressions. 令人吃惊的
是,55%的来自面部表情。In fact, when our facial expression or tone of voice conflicts with
our words, 实际上,面部表情或语调同话语矛盾时, the listener will typically put more
weight on the nonverbal message.听者通常更注重非语言信息。
To make your first encounter a positive one, start with a firm handshake. 为了第一次
面试成功,握手要坚定有力。If the interviewer doesn’t initiate the gesture, offer your hand
first. 如果面试者没有主动和你握手,那么你就先伸出手来。Whenever you have a choice of
seats, 如果有可能选择座位,select a chair beside his or her desk, as opposed to one across